Israeli Media Company Infowars Now Promoting Jewish Male Version of Laura Loomer

The Israeli media company Infowars is now promoting the male Jew version of Laura Loomer, a hebraic character called Louis Shenker.

The Israel First host of War Room, Owen Shroyer, a retarded buffoon who got destroyed in several debates with Adam Green, hosted the Jew and lauded him as “a stud”.

The Jew’s claim to fame was copying the tactics of attention-seeking plastic face Jewish slut Laura Loomer by interrupting an event supporting the BDS movement which boycotts Israel for slaughtering Palestinians and stealing their land.

The Jew chanted “America First” and “the Zoomers are rising” in an apparent display of allegiance to the Nick Fuentes movement.

Unsurprisingly, Laura Loomer is herself promoting this hebraic character as well.

In the interview Shenker admits that he lives in the “Chabad House” near his university.

What we have here is another Jewish supremacist grifter trying to influence the American nationalist movement in a pro-Jew, Israel First direction. He will say things that America First patriots want to hear, and on the tail end pontificate about how Israel is America’s “greatest ally” and must continue to be supported with billions of dollars in foreign aid and weapons packages.

Us whites need not get caught up in the endless drama over Israel/Palestine, as it is an issue of no relevance to whites. What we need to say is that both Arabs and Jews who live in the West but who advocate for one side or the other in that dispute should be deported.

These Jews are very clever, folks, but not clever enough to dupe red-pilled goyim who read websites like mine.

Let’s interrogate this Jew Shenker on Twitter and see where his true loyalty lies.

2 thoughts on “Israeli Media Company Infowars Now Promoting Jewish Male Version of Laura Loomer

  1. Sad to see A.J. still being a Jew puppet, in spite of the overwhelming white nationalism of his audience. Good that you keep us updated on these things, I don’t monitor the fat guy myself much these days.

  2. What did you expect? Jones watched tranny porn on his phone! His current wife is former escort prostitute. Degenerate.

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