Kooky Russian Satanist Alexander Dugin Hates Fascism, Racism, Nationalism & Western “Colonialism,” But Loves Blacks, Jews & Communism Though

I haven’t talked about this Nutty Russian Professor for awhile.

There’s no point because he’s completely irrelevant to anything going on in the West as he really just larps around in Russia prognosticating the end of the world so he can sacrifice a goat to Lucifer.

He recently gave an interview to that French-Canadian guy who has a fetish for retard girls, telling him that he hates fascism, racism, nationalism and Western colonialism.

And to think there were people out there in the Alt-Right trying to convince us that this was “our guy”.

He even says he’s against nationalism.

So that makes him an internationalist. A Russian globalist who wants to race-mix us with nomadic peoples from the Siberian Steppes.

12 thoughts on “Kooky Russian Satanist Alexander Dugin Hates Fascism, Racism, Nationalism & Western “Colonialism,” But Loves Blacks, Jews & Communism Though

  1. On Russia…

    It is completely normal than even Russian white nationalists hate fascism, since fascism, to them is related to Barbarossa.
    Russia is a world to understand. We cannot compare it with our Western European views.
    But I get your point, as always.

    1. t. Bolshevik tranny

      There is nothing to understand about low-brow Soviet propaganda aimed at peasant Russian cattle.

  2. “Steppe peoples”
    Aren’t the Indo European steppe peoples white? The main argument against NatSoc from WN is that Slavs aren’t counted as white. Unless you are a Nordicist, I don’t see why you wouldn’t see them as white. In

    1. Dugin’s conception of those people is that they’re Central Asian nomads. He called explicitly for overwhelming the West and replacing Whites with Muslims, Tajiks, Kazakhs, etc.

      Obviously Slavs are White. I’m not a Nordicist.

      1. Do you have an opinion about a certain “Dr” Rafael Johnson who seems determined to convince us all that the openly communist rebels in Ukraine are somehow despite all their words and actions really national socialists .Do you think he is nuts or on the putin payroll ?.

    2. It was more that Russian were not even Slavic but Tatar Asiatics who spoke a Slavic language. The Nazis were in essence neutral on the Slavic population in that they used Anti-Slavic rhetoric but would collaborate with Croats, Slovaks, and Bulgarians, they also recognised Slovenes as Germans. I would add that Turkic Central Asians are racially different from ethnic Russians, a Russian Nationalists can absolutely criticise Dugin for promoting a vision that co-opts the Russian motherland and some understandable Anti-Western sentiment (in the sense of Anti-Globohomo) with his Eurasian Union which is fundamentally anti-nationalist.

      1. They considered all European subraces as “Germanic”: Nordic, Alpine, Med, Dinaric etc. Every time someone uses “Slav” as a racial category i cringe. Lets take Bosniaks for example, Dinaric racial type, muslim religion, Slavic language?! Slav is not a race and anyone who uses it as such is
        literally retarded.

  3. I’ve been watching just today, what seems to amount to about 50 liberal videos on YouTube. It is apparent to me that we have a dearth of right-wing commentators on any type of social media platform no matter what you are talking about that can counteract the INCREDIBLE number of lies that I see spewed out by communist/Jewish media.

    In saying this, I certainly realize that YouTube is under the throws of Jewish media control as well as social media in general and the old-time school media that broadcast on the airwaves. But I feel that unless something is done and done soon that we will lose the culture war that is sweeping the nation and causing it to become more left leaning all the time. We are in serious trouble in this country in the fact that we CONTROL ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that matters to being able to sway public opinion in our direction.

    But unless something is done and done quickly, we will be inundated to the point where we will not be able to reverse the situation. Let that be a warning to us and our perspective movement and let us not dither and hem and Haw while Rome burns…

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