Convicted Moslem Rat Was Behind London Bridge Attack, Released Early By Jew Judge

I get squeamish just looking at this kebab’s photo.

The terrorist who stabbed people on the bridge was a traditional Islamic gentleman.

The disheveled unibrow look is incredibly endearing, isn’t it?

One look at that guy’s face and you say to yourself, ‘this is a person I would trust around my children.’

Why do these kebabs need to look so stereotypically evil? One look and you know he’s carrying a suicide vest under his sweater.

I guess the evil Islamic appearance helps frighten white people and thus helps our cause.

Would you be shocked to learn that this moslem had been previously arrested and imprisoned for terrorism, but was released early by a jewish judge called Leveson?

The Guardian:

At his appeal Khan’s legal team claimed that he was a young man whose ambition was to bring sharia law to Pakistan-controlled Kashmir and that it was “highly unrealistic to suppose that the authorities in Pakistan would allow a teenager from Stoke to impose sharia law or run a training school for terrorists”.

One of the appeal judges, Lord Justice Leveson, acknowledged that there was “no doubt that anyone convicted of this type of offence could legitimately be considered dangerous” but replaced Khan’s IPP sentence with a 16-year determinate sentence.

Prisoners are usually released halfway through such sentences, but Khan had served less than seven years when he was freed on licence in December last year and ordered to wear a tag. His time spent in custody before he was sentenced would have been taken into account, according to legal experts.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, politicians on all sides have claimed that the sentencing and supervision regime applied to terrorists needs revisiting.

Boris Johnson said it was important to “enforce the appropriate sentences for dangerous criminals, especially for terrorists”.

Jews are obviously wielding these kebabs as cultural weapons against white people.

Jew judges like Leveson have the power to release terrorists onto the streets of Britain, who then terrorize white people with knives, machetes, guns and bombs.

This is all part of Jewry’s satanic agenda to torment the white race for expelling jews from various white countries historically.

One thought on “Convicted Moslem Rat Was Behind London Bridge Attack, Released Early By Jew Judge

  1. As a people, we are on a journey. At the end point of the journey, we will realize that every prejudice our ancestors ever had was justified. By then, of course, our civilization will be nothing but a crumbled ruin. And we will be on our bellies amidst the wreckage, hiding from the hordes of pack-hunting browns chasing down the last whites.

    The last thought that goes through the head of the last white will be something like this*: “Prejudice was the fulcrum on which our entire civilization was built. When we chose to dismantle it, we chose to dismantle ourselves.”

    *The actual vocabulary used by the last white may be less highfalutin than this. You can’t expect people to maintain the same high literary standards when they’re dodging constant spear thrusts and machete swings from the Sons of Diversity.

    As far as prejudices go, some are more obviously rational than others. No one needs an in-depth explanation of why you don’t want too many* niggers or Moslems around. The Jew thing is more subtle. Long after my prejudice against niggers and Moslems was conceived, I continued, for a long time, to be philosemitic. It was only as my intellectual odyssey continued that I came to the realization that the Jew was more dangerous than all the niggers or Moslems put together.

    * Too many = more than zero

    Prejudice, it seems, is the distilled wisdom of the ages.

    But in the decadent age we are condemned to live through, those who seek to revere ancient wisdom rather than reverse it face global persecution. Trump is deploying American power to stomp on some of Africa’s finest minds.

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