Turbaned Bigot Who Heads Canada’s Leftist NDP Party Attended Sikh Supremacist Meeting in 2016

Video has emerged of Jagmeet Singh, the head of Canada’s white-hating far-left NDP party, in attendance at a Sikh conference in which another dothead panelist asserted the superiority of Sikh language and culture, and justified violence as a legitimate means of fomenting a Sikh ethnostate.

This really is a fantastic piece of video that severally undermines the credibility of this leftist dothead. It shows that he shares company and ideological terrain with Sikh supremacists who want an ethnostate and are willing to kill to obtain it. In 1985, some Sikh terrorists blew up a Canadian airliner in the name of Sikh separatism. These Sikhs are real, radical ethnonationalists who demand a Sikh state somewhere within India.

Singh’s rhetoric as the head of the NDP has been classic SJW talking points, demeaning white people, “white privilege”, racism, sexism, etc., and touting the farcical victimhood of brown interlopers. Yet this video of Singh and his radical, openly supremacist and ethnonationalist Sikh compatriots lays bear the truth of his anti-white scam.

In secret and in the company of their own people, these brown people are fiercely ethnocentric and champion ethnonationalism for their own race and culture. But in public they put on a completely different mask, studiously touting the dangerous lies of diversity, equality and multiculturalism. They do this merely as a means to an end – that end being the death of white people and our culture, and our racial replacement with brown people and their culture.

This is reverse colonization, in a nutshell, and videos like these expose brown white-hating leftists as the biggest frauds of the century.

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