Father Of Slain Son in London Bridge Attack Supported Diversity – Doubles Down After Moslem Attack!

These leftists will never learn the lesson, will they?

They are willing to sacrifice their own children at the altar of diversity.

Virtue signaling is more important than the lives of their own children.

The victim himself also apparently was a leftie who squandered his education trying to prove that the overrepresentation of non-whites in British prisons was not the fault of said non-white criminals, but some racist conspiracy by white men.

A fiction writer couldn’t conjure up a more comically ironic scenario than this one.

A leftie gets mauled by a fanatic moslem on a bridge and his cuck father demands that his son’s death not be used to keep dangerous moslem criminals in jail.

Welcome to clown world, folks.

4 thoughts on “Father Of Slain Son in London Bridge Attack Supported Diversity – Doubles Down After Moslem Attack!

  1. The left will never learn no matter how many of their kind die in this manner. You have to regard marxism as a fanatical religion it cannot be fought with logic only physical force will work.

  2. Not too surprised that the old daddy oh double down on his support of Muslim extremist taking over his country. He didn’t really have much of a choice now did he?
    Now let’s think about it for a moment, shall we. He’s got the choice of being stabbed or shot or having acid thrown in his face in a somewhat distant future, or being set upon by English mobs in the present who would tear him limb from limb, simply because he was being “anti-nonwhite”. What would you do in such a circumstance as that; you’re damned if you do, and you’re damned if you don’t…

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