Nefarious Feminist Author Sarah E. Hill Openly Advocates Paternity Fraud & Cuckoldry

The “empowered” femcunt author of the book “This Is Your Brain on Birth Control“, Sarah E. Hill, openly advocates for modern females to make cuckolds of their boyfriends and husbands.

For those unfamiliar with cuckoldry:

Here is an excerpt from Sarah’s satanic book:

The good news is that – even in the face of trade-offs that each of us must make when choosing partners– a woman can still get the best of both worlds for her offspring… she just might have to get each of these qualities from a different man. This means getting investment from one man (usually a primary partner who is loving, caring, and reliable) while getting sexy genes from someone else (typical unbeknownst to the primary partner). And if a woman were inclined to do such a thing in the totally unconscious pursuit of good genes for her offspring, what better time to do so than near ovulation?

Now, I know there’s a good chance that some of you will find the whole idea appalling. Totally understandable. However, it’s worth mentioning that the evolution of this type of conditional strategy is inevitable any time you have females who get both direct (resource investment) and indirect (genes) fitness benefits from their mates. For females of species that get only indirect benefits from mating –which is the case for the majority of sexually reproducing organisms out there, by the way – this isn’t an issue, because they don’t have to worry about investment. They don’t need it. The only thing these females are choosing when they pick a mate is his genes. But for females of species that get both direct and indirect benefits from their partners, there will always be females who game the system by formally pairing with a good dad for his resource access and then getting sexy genes for their offspring from their neighbor.

Cheating indeed.

Such a dual-mating strategy will generally get a female a better deal…

Well, there it is gents. These females are conspiring to make cuckolds of modern men.

This is the classic “alpha fucks beta bucks” sexual strategy of the modern disgusting THOT, written about and advocated explicitly in an academic work of feminist malarkey.

Look at her evil clown face. You can just see it in her eyes she gets a kick out of ruining the lives of men. This anorexic miserable bag of filth works towards the destruction of our society by encouraging sick behaviors like cuckoldry..

So feminists are teaching modern females that cheating and paternity fraud is a great way to get more bang for your buck in the mating game.

Suck dry the beta, fuck dry the alpha.

Of course, our diabolical feminist system empowers these reprobate whores to get away with this amoral behaviour, as paternity fraud has virtually no legal consequences for the lying female scammer.

Our lobotomized society which worships at the feet of these mental case femoids encourages them to exploit men, suck dry our resources while fucking and getting impregnated by other men on the side. This is part of some kind of sick, twisted revenge fantasy that feminists have to spite the “patriarchy,” or some such nonsense.

This is the fruit of satanic feminism, folks, and nasty clown-face cunts like Sarah E. Hill are lauded for destroying our society.

One thought on “Nefarious Feminist Author Sarah E. Hill Openly Advocates Paternity Fraud & Cuckoldry

  1. Straight from the horse´s mouth. Literally.

    I would pay 80€ for a sag with her. No more. Then, she can go and fuck someone else. Or she could have been shagging with someone else before I meet her. No problem. That it makes me a cuckold? If so, no problem, really.
    But Mrs. Hill, don´t expect me to pay the Christmas toys of your children, in case you have them.

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