New Documentary Exposes Duginist Agenda to Subvert the West & Hijack the Alt-Right for Asiatic Russian Imperialism

I’ve been calling out these Duginist subversive shills within our movement for years.

In fact, I was so stridently calling out these shills within the alt-right that the entire alt-right online leadership (Red Ice, TRS, Duke, Collett, Spencer, Striker, etc.) – all of whom seem to have been, at the very least, heavily influenced by satanic Duginism – have blacklisted me from their programs and outlets. None of them will even have an honest conversation with me about this subject.

Videomaker Johnny Gat has compiled all the relevant evidence of these malcontents and how they’re being used for a Soviet Marxist agenda in a new documentary.

Gat shows how Russia is concordantly manipulating opposing political factions to sow discord. The Kremlin has influenced the following groups with targeted propaganda and has enlisted elements of these groups to spout their talking points:

  • the alt-right/white nationalists
  • Antifa
  • libertarians
  • “anti-war” activists
  • anti-Zionists

The Kremlin will dog whistle to all of these groups in order to win them over to what is ultimately a hidden agenda of Eurasian expansionism.

Gat also demonstrates how the majority of the “alternative” media have become little more than bullhorns of Kremlin propaganda, especially when it comes to the conflict in Ukraine.

Kremlin disinformation strategy has been so paradoxical that it’s managed to conscript white nationalists to cheerlead for communist insurgents in Eastern Ukraine whose ranks are swelled by thousands of Antifa foreign volunteers, all of whom state their mission as ridding Ukraine of “Nazis”.

Why are the leaders of the alt-right so silent about this subversion, which ultimately aims to harm our countries and subjugate us under an Asiatic empire? Why do they shun alt-righters who expose this subversion in our movement whilst consorting with Zionist shills who we have no reason to trust?

A lot of it has to do with clout, I believe. Most online personalities in the alt-right are unprincipled clout-chasers who believe that kissing up to Russia will get them increased access to certain media sources. They ignore any and all evidence that refutes the myth that Putin is a white nationalist/traditionalist who will save the West from annihilation so long as we abdicate sovereignty to the Kremlin. By supporting this dangerous and fanciful myth about Saviour Putin, they are leading white nationalists down a specious rabbit hole that ends with your head stuck up your own ass, misdirecting our energies into some Asiatic Ghenghis Khan conquest fantasy led by lunatics like Dugin.

6 thoughts on “New Documentary Exposes Duginist Agenda to Subvert the West & Hijack the Alt-Right for Asiatic Russian Imperialism

  1. This is exactly the demoralization Bezmenow is talking about. Sure Putin is not our saviour and Dugin is a nutjob, but this goes way to far. Now Putin wants to incite a racewar? Give me a break. Gat and the Renegade types have lost their mind. It is obvious that the West cannot recover without an inner conflict. What a know it all asshole that Gat guy is. Though he made some good videos back in the day.

    There is always someone benefiting from an inner conflict in this geopolitical game. No shit Sherlock. The West does the same in Ukraine and Russia. Natural inner conflicts are enforced to destabilze the enemy. That does not mean the inner conflict is totally artificial, which Gat is implying. But the right-wing loves to be blackpilled with that kind of constructed information.

    How does Dugin want to incite a racewar when he is against racism? The identitarian movement in Europe was heavily influenced by him and they have distanced themselfs from “racism”. How does that fit into Gats analysis that Russia/Dugin wants to incite a racewar? Maybe they want to enforce inner conflict, quite possible. But at this point i dont give a fuck. I also dont give a fuck if there is no freedom of speech in Russia.

    The aim of this video is not to destroy Russia or Putin/Dugin. They are only the excuse. It seeks to demoralize the right-wing and white nationalists. The title “will Putin save the world” is a strawman.

    Antifa being pro Russia? They also protest against Putin and his homophobia. These useful idiots have been all kinds of things. They have been pro USA/Israel when it comes to bombing Germany but against it when it comes to capitalism. That is no evidence at all. There is no central AntiFa they are a bunch of useful idiots.

    Furthermore, Gat just picks the same targets that the left also picks, when they try to smear the right-wing. Richard Spencer, Matt Heimbach and David Duke. This is comical.

    1. That does not mean the inner conflict is totally artificial, which Gat is implying.

      I don’t think he implied that it was totally artificial, just that Russia was seeking to exacerbate the tensions for its own gain.

      How does Dugin want to incite a racewar when he is against racism?

      Dugin wrote in his book Foundation of Geopolitics that they would support all sides to stir up racial conflict. He is just a Machiavellian strategist for a Russian imperium, it’s all about the dialectics, supporting “racists” and “anti-racists” at the same time fits neatly into his model.

      I agree that a racial conflict in the West is inevitable due to our own government bringing these people here. Dugin and Putin are capitalizing on these mistakes.

      I also dont give a fuck if there is no freedom of speech in Russia.

      So you don’t care that white nationalists are locked up in Russia for “hate speech”? But at the same time you want us to say nice things about Putin?

      Furthermore, Gat just picks the same targets that the left also picks, when they try to smear the right-wing. Richard Spencer, Matt Heimbach and David Duke.

      He’s criticizing them for different reasons than the left is. As do I. Their folly is pushing hope in a foreign power that snuffs out white nationalism within its own borders, which these people have never once condemned.

    2. It just baffles me how strong the Putin cult is!
      The man has no moral compass, he doesn’t care about Russian people, he just enjoys being in power and his image in the world is like superstar level “badass”!
      He throws some leftover money at these different political ideology groups in Russia and outside just so they glorify him at their circles, that’s it!
      The way Putin and other Russian oligarchs are ripping of Russia is another level. They ship all the money outside of Russia in offshores while they themselves are living the high life in London, Paris, Miami, etc… their kids all go to schools in the West. This is why they get so angry of the USA sanction!

  2. I dont want you to say nice things about Putin. Where do you get that from?
    The whole video is one gigantic strawman. Nobody says that Putin or Dugin are the saviours. This is exactly the demoralization and stoking up of inner conflict, Bezmenov himself is talking about.

    Sure there was influence by Dugin to the “alt-right”, but that was in the very beginning and mainly because he rejects liberalism. Obviously there are russian attempts to influence western opinions. The West does the same over there. Nothing new or special here.

    At this point nobody cares about Dugin anymore. Gat is trying to prop up old news. Dugin is a nutjob and has incorporated pretty much everything into his stupid 4th political theory. His attempts to get in touch with the western right-wing have failed long ago.

    Antifa have been pro or contra towards a lot of stuff. They also like to protest Putin because of his “homophobia”. There is also anti-imperialist Antifa which is against Israel. Are they based now? This “info” by Gat proves only, that you can construct pretty much anything if you want to.

    “Antifa” being used by Russia to fight the fake ukrainian “Neo-Nazis” – imagine my shock. This again proves only that they can be used for or against pretty much anything. Why would Russia not use useful idiots to fight other useful idiots….

    That WN are locked up is too bad. But again. Russia does its own thing and one thing is certain: They are not as bad as the USA/ Israel. Especially from a geopolitical and cultural view. That alone needs to be respected regardless of the inner usual corruption.

    Again nobody says Putin is the saviour. You should quit hearing renegade broadcasting.

    1. If you watched the full video, Gat points to statements from Duke, Spencer, Heimbach and others saying that Russia is the last hope for white people. Heimbach even said that he’s kissing Russia’s ass hoping that they will give his movement money, so they can blossom like the Syrian rebels did after the US took an interest.

      Spencer just recently bashed Poland because they’re not in Russia’s pocket. He bashes Ukraine, too. He bashes all European countries that don’t submit to Russian Eurasianism.

      Spencer is to this day a devout Duginist promoting Russian imperium over other white people.

      I think it’s fair to call these people out as subversives selling white nationalists a fairy tale.

      White nationalists are put in prison in Russia and Jews are 25% of the richest elite there. Stalin is worshipped. That’s ALL you need to know about Russia!

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