Richard Spencer Denigrates Homogenous Poland Because It’s Not Subservient to Russia

It appears that Spencer’s racial sympathies for Russia haven’t gone away, despite the betrayal by his Russian Duginist ex-wife.

At 45:00 of this interview Spencer goes into a rant about how Poland, while a homogenous white nation resistant to globalist race replacement polices, is still in the US geopolitical orbit and is therefore no good and no hope for whites.

He lamented Trump’s visit to Poland because US missile systems were installed or upgraded at the same time, calling these missiles “anti-Russian”.

Spencer’s problem with Poland, as with Ukraine, is that it isn’t subservient to his beloved Russia. Spencer seems to believe that Poland would be better off in Russia’s orbit. In fact, he wants all of Europe to be under Russia’s jackboot. But why? Because “Based Russia” is committed to white nationalist ideals? Is he trying to make us chuckle with this nonsense?

Spencer’s delusions of grandeur about a “Based Russia” are substantially more fanciful than the “Based Poland” meme. Russia, unlike Poland, is a feeble multicultural and multiethnic medley. Putin himself has hailed multiculturalism in Russia and has assiduously punished Russian citizens who have expressed disdain for this model.

In a 2013 speech, Putin clearly explicated his position on this matter, defining Russia as a vague set of ideas:

Nationalists must remember that by calling into question our multi-ethnic character, and exploiting the issue of Russian, Tatar, Caucasian, Siberian or any other nationalism or separatism, means that we are starting to destroy our genetic code. In effect, we will begin to destroy ourselves.

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and other religions are an integral part of Russia’s identity, its historical heritage and the present-day lives of its citizens. The main task of the state, as enshrined in the Constitution, is to ensure equal rights for members of traditional religions and atheists, and the right to freedom of conscience for all citizens.

However, it is clearly impossible to identify oneself only through one’s ethnicity or religion in such a large nation with a multi-ethnic population. In order to maintain the nation’s unity, people must develop a civic identity on the basis of shared values, a patriotic consciousness, civic responsibility and solidarity, respect for the law, and a sense of responsibility for their homeland’s fate, without losing touch with their ethnic or religious roots.

As you can see, Putin explicitly condemns those Russians who define their nation in racial Slavic terms.

Another article noted Putin’s stated belief that “diversity is a strength” for Russia:

In his discourses, Putin has worked to cultivate an image of a multi-ethnic and multi-faith Russia. While the ROC certainly maintains a spotlight in the political arena, Putin has made a rhetorical effort to step away from the Church as the be-all-and-end-all of Russian identity, insisting that Russia’s strength lies in its cultural diversity.

Putin’s conception of Russia is no different than Charlie Kirk’s conception of America: citizens of diverse origins and culture that hold in common a vague set of ideas. The citizens, of course, don’t even agree on this set of ideas and bicker about the ideas all the time. They even fight in the streets because they don’t agree on these ideas.

Spencer undoubtedly has an intense aversion to all things American because his country has been corrupted by Jewish internationalists. He wishes to throw the baby out with the bath water while proposing some vague grandiose vision of international white identity. With no territory and land-space to call our own, this “white globalism” amounts to little more than an idea in people’s brain with no practical application. I can be a racially conscious white person living in a sea of blacks and browns, but what good is just having consciousness about race if we don’t have a physical territory with which to preserve and protect our race? That situation exists right now in South Africa where the white minority is being tortured and humiliated on a daily basis. Simply understanding race differences hasn’t prevented them from being slaughtered, but having a secure territory with defined borders would.

Spencer seems to be trying to knock down everything that isn’t within his realm of control. Anything that doesn’t have him as the supreme leader is dismissed and derided. This is the kind of Messiah Complex that led to his downfall in the first place, but he doesn’t seem to want to let go of it for the greater good.

When will Spencer be relocating to Based Russia to show us all the way?

4 thoughts on “Richard Spencer Denigrates Homogenous Poland Because It’s Not Subservient to Russia

  1. This is actually sad how weirdos like Spencer are out there in mainstream media and public space representing “white identity” while normal people like Brandon are being kicked out of every platform!
    All this is so subversive!

  2. Are you aware that Poland has been taking in more immigrants than any other EU country? The only party that actually opposes it is the Confederation. Are they right or are they just Russian stooges?

    1. True. And there is no country on this planet for white men. We must find the extremes and remote areas. We must gain control of the least popular and populous areas with the harshest terrains. Only in these unknown and unwanted areas can we truly achieve our own ways and our own destiny. In these existing lands filled with scum, we are picked off one by one, individually or in small groups. Our best chances are alone, in areas where no one else has the intelligence to thrive.

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