Wealthy Jewish Lesbian Supporting Trump Impeachment Farce Lectured Whites About Privilege

Pamela Karlan, a repugnant Jewish lesbian who is now supporting the Trump impeachment farce, said in a 2006 speech that straight white males are a privileged class and that Jewish lesbian freaks like herself are oppressed by this class.

She said:

We have to seize back the high ground on patriotism and on love of our country, because we have more reason than they do to love America. The rich, pampered, prodigal, sanctimonious, incurious, white, straight sons of the powerful do pretty well everywhere in the world, and they always have.

But what about us? Snarky, bisexual, Jewish women who want the freedom to say what we think, read what we want, and love who we do. I don’t want to keep other people from having the great opportunities I’ve had here in the United States. I want other people to share them. . . .

She says this at around the 10:00 mark:

How does a privileged Jewish lesbian go about lecturing others about privilege?

This pussy-sniffing wench is a well-paid professor at a top American university. Most white males don’t earn a fraction of what she does. She probably got into that job by way of a favour from a fellow Jew.

This is the snarky, spiteful Jewish attitude towards America’s WASP culture and founders. They have a seething hatred of the heterosexual WASP because they seek to corrupt and take over a society and civilization that WASPs built.

Jews are a vengeful, hate-filled, supremacist race who mete out destruction wherever they turn up. Despite being the most successful ethnic group in America, they’re not satisfied, and will never be satisfied until they’ve completely squashed all remnants of the old WASP America that was once suspicious of them, and rightly so.

Jews represent 30% of America’s ultra rich billionaire class and 19% of the global billionaire class, despite being only 2% of the US population and a tiny fraction of the global population.

These miserly Jews have mastered how to screw around with stock prices, shares, commodities and other nonsense to make themselves disgustingly wealthy. They’ve created a vulture capitalist system that preys on the weak working class, exploits their labour, and tosses them aside when it’s profitable to do so.

Tucker Carlson revealed how one of these vulture Jews, Paul Singer, operates as a mercenary shylock who annihilates entire small American towns with his financial shenanigans. He gets filthy rich, and the white working class goes bust.

This is how Jews make their fortunes, by concocting financial schemes that rob working class white people and outsource their jobs to the third world.

And then we have Jewish lesbians to lecture us about our privilege, stupid goyim.

2 thoughts on “Wealthy Jewish Lesbian Supporting Trump Impeachment Farce Lectured Whites About Privilege

  1. Seeing her on TV, I couldn’t tell by the name that she’s a Hebrew…. But I said “100 to 1 yes.” No surprise the odds weren’t upset, BARF.

    As I wrote to Phoebe Maltz Bovy of the JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY, “Antisemitic schmantisemitic. People don’t dislike you for the color of your eyes. They’re continually outraged by THINGS YOU ARE DOING.”

    “INCURIOUS” says this stupid dyke of White men?! Ya mean like Plato, Aristotle, Newton, Galileo, Copernicus, Columbus, Leonardo, Nietzsche, Planck, Tesla, and so on for a thousand days of enumerating?

    And if White straight men have been doing well for a long time, perhaps it ain’t due to their horoscopes LOL. T. Carlson was right to say of this asshole that she’s not intelligent. Dunces like her TEACHING young adults?????

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