African Gentleman Tells Us About the State of Things in Obungaland

Things are not so hot in Obungaland these days.

Let’s hear this African gentleman tell us about the state of life in his land.

Dang, nigga.

Life in Obungaland ain’t looking too promising.

But don’t worry, these Obungas are up to the challenge to Make Obungaland Great Again.

It goes without saying that the decrepit state of Obungaland has nothing to do with the Obungas themselves.

To imply such would be highly racist and hateful.

The abject poverty and decay in Obungaland has everything to do with the impact of white colonialism which raped their land.

We know this to be true because a Jewish Marxist social theorist named Noel Ignatiev, the wonderful founder of Race Traitor magazine, tells us so.

According to our good jewish friend Ignatiev, “white” is a social construct that must be abolished. There’s no such thing as the white race. Racist white people invented this category in order to oppress others.

“Black,” however, does exist and the Black race is superior to the white race, which I remind you doesn’t exist. Jewish is also a race and is the most supreme race of all, chosen by Yahweh to govern the whole earth from Jerusalem.

Every inequality of the earth can be explained by Mr. Ignatiev’s theory of white privilege. The white race does not exist, but it oppresses every other race through racial oppression.

This explains consummately what’s happening in Obungaland.

The racist British left this land decades ago, but the invisible white racial oppression of the Obungas lives on through the intergenerational permeable goo plasma known as white privilege.

The only way to cure the world of the oppressive force of white privilege is to have jews establish a world Zionist government to lord it over all of mankind.

11 thoughts on “African Gentleman Tells Us About the State of Things in Obungaland

  1. Martinez types like an agent that has just finished lurking on a /pol/ nigger hate thread, it’s all “negroid” this and “camel fucker” that but the jews only get passing mentions as if they’re a minor issue, all this site is just uber edgy shitposting behind a political curtain, I can’t take any of that seriously and I don’t see this internet fuhrer shit taking white nationalism anywhere.

    1. Kieran
      You obviously don’t know this website very well.
      Check back through the years of articles here and you will find jewish influence and jewish chicanery is the main subject in most of them and where it isn’t it is always mentioned – if doing so is relevant to the article, which in most cases it is.
      Approved and uncontested comments very often include the j.

  2. The fish recycling factory was set up with some advice and help from Canada.
    It is difficult to start up things when you are living in poverty.
    This operation is a shining example of people working to improve their situations (in this case to survive) and also the spinoff industries that become possible.
    It shows that great changes can be brought about by helping people to get started.
    The governments of these countries need to be helping them more.
    With slum clearance and better living conditions – the destructive lifestyles will become less prevalent.
    Then they will want to stay there not because they have given up but because they are happy and thriving there.
    They should also be paid a realistic amount for doing the useful job of dealing with other people’s fish waste.

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