BBC Wants You to Care that Australian Abos Are Losing Their Language

Dang, nigga.

I’m not sure who came first, apes or these Australian jiggaboos.

Miriwoong is their language and it’s basically just a bunch of weird grunts and sounds.

Dang, that abo phenotype is hawt.

People are taking note in the comments.

Some leftist white guy in the video said that these Australian abos need to preserve their language and identity, and that doing so improves their lives.

Does he say the same for white people? I highly doubt it.

He probably tows the marxist line that white people have no identity and that white is a social construct, right.

The agenda of these marxist nut jobs is all about tearing down white people, discrediting our interests as a people, liquidating our history, and then elevating some small minority group with an average IQ of 70 as our superiors.

The BBC is promoting an explicit agenda of white erasure, which is why they’re always pushing these white guilt sob stories about aboriginals as they ban white people from even applying for jobs at their network.

Boycott the white-hating BBC!

11 thoughts on “BBC Wants You to Care that Australian Abos Are Losing Their Language

  1. Boycott the white-hating BBC!

    I did many years ago.
    I cannot watch the sickening crap they have on the BBC and other uk channels.
    Even though I watch zero UK television, preferring to watch foreign satellite, the rules say I still need to pay for a tv license (£150-ish yearly), which goes to fund the BBC.
    The BBC then make programs and DVDs and sells them all over the world, making even more profit.
    I say scrap the television license . . . we don’t need your state propaganda and lies.
    I prefer “scenic train journeys through the Alps” to multiculti “strictly come dancing”.

    1. It’s the same in Ireland €160.00 and for what to witness the degeneration of the west from the comfort of my own home and have to look at some fly ridden hungry savage at every add break. I got rid of my T.V. two years ago and haven’t looked back. Think about it and all the electricity you’ll save.

      1. Yes Eric getting rid of the TV is a positive move.
        Television is a big time waster and many people spend 5 or more hours a day glued to it.
        The internet is preferable for the more independently minded who can seek out exactly what they want too watch and do not need to randomly ‘channel hop’.
        It might still be necessary to moderate internet screen hours if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
        Podcasts on an exercise bike are one great way to catch up on information and get fit at the same time.

      2. rte scum are hated by the working class, woke globalhomo celeb gossip trash on 24 hours a day, the rare occasion a good program is aired is usually after hours, so the majority of people dont see it.

      1. If you refuse to pay you get made to pay and then subsequently failing to pay eventually leads to jail.
        Best to pay and not waste time tussling with the authorities, spend your time and direct your energy into more productive avenues . . . like linking to and supporting this website.

  2. I feel sympathy for Native Australian people like I feel sympathy for any Native-wherever people. They are not invaders.

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