Dugin is a Gaunt Retard Who Wants Black Cannibals to Enslave Us

There is a certain sub-section of the alt-right who have internalized the corrosive ideas of gaunt retard Alexander Dugin.

This has been made possible thanks in large part to the subversive efforts of Richard Vladimirovich Spencerovsky and his former Russian wife.

Ooga booga, nigga.

Dugin is the Dinesh D’Souza of Russia, spinning a lackluster dialectic about how the “Western liberals are the real racists” and that the Eastern nations must align themselves in an anti-Western camel coalition to thwart this liberal racism.

It’s pretty gay and uninteresting.

Despite all the grandiose geopolitical scuttlebutt, this guy believes in nothing beyond creating planetary chaos and death so that his demon god can reign over lost souls, or some such quackery. He is, fundamentally, a Russian kook occultist who worships the devil, death and chaos.

There’s not much more to it, folks.

This corpulent clown truly wants Western man to die and be consumed in a negroid cannibal ritual.

That’s right, Based Dugin believes that negroid cannibals are “perfectly reasonable” and hails their appetite for human flesh.

He too wants a taste of human flesh, particularly a white American male who he can feast on in a satanic Blavatsky ritual.

Thus is the way of the Russian occultist.

More on his love of negroids.

Within the United States itself, there is a need for the Russian special services and their allies “to provoke all forms of instability and separatism within the borders of the United States (it is possible to make use of the political forces of Afro-American racists)” (p. 248).  “It is especially important,” Dugin adds, “to introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S.  It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics…” (p. 367).

That’s from Foundations of Geopolitics, in which he theorizes for the weaponization of American negroes and also argues for the annexation of Ukraine and a “continental Russian-Islamic alliance” which lies “at the foundation of anti-Atlanticist strategy”. Russia’s Orthodox faith and Islam are closer and share a “traditional character,” says Dugin, a sentiment that was also echoed by Putin.

Beyond Foundations of Geopolitics, the best piece of evidence for Dugin’s psychotic anti-white revenge fantasy was published in an interview with the Polish Fronda magazine in 1998.

The West is geographical Satan, geographical Antichrist. The West should pay for everything. It would be best to settle it with Chinese, Tatars, Muslims, all this Eurasian nomadism. When I was walking the streets of Paris recently, I suddenly noticed that something was missing. And I realized that it was a lack of odors, some sterility, asepticity. The only fragrance in the West is perfume. Earth, air, flowers, trees began to smell only in Poland, and when I returned to Russia, I immersed myself in the madness of smells. The West is dead land. He will revive only when he is settled by Cossacks, Tajiks, and Kazakhs. They will bring life with them, they will bring scents.

That’s demographic replacement, white genocide, but instead of strictly importing African negroes and pakis, Dugin wants to culturally enrich us with his preferred Eurasian dindus.

How nice.

On co-opting the New Right for Russian Imperium, Dugin demanded that New Rightists start indiscriminately killing Americans in order to impress him.

Europe today has a choice: Eurasianism or Atlanticism. Either he will go with Russia or America. If the European New Right chooses us, that is, it chooses the barbaric element, and therefore it must adopt our methods of action. You have to organize attacks, deal with sabotage, set fire to, and blow up bridges. Real antimondialism is destruction and terror. And what does the New Right do? She turned into an intellectual sect. For thirty years, overweight and gray-haired gentlemen have gathered at seminars and beat the foam. Of course you have to read books, but that is not enough. You need to create guerilla. If you are against the New World Order, then take a knife, put on a mask, leave the house in the evening and kill at least one yankie. That is why the New Left, Red Brigades and Rote Armee Fraktion are so close to me. Our task is not limited to culture, our task is to make a real revolution. For this you need ideology and intellectual preparation, but without specific participation in the action, without frontal experience, without baptism – it will remain unattainable for us. I do not know if any of the New Right activists were once under artillery fire, but our people not only attend meetings or barricades, but also go to real wars, e.g. to Transnistria or Yugoslavia. Nowa Prawica is just a project, and we are designers and implementers, architects and builders. Our future is.

Ultimately, he likes militant leftists better because they were – at least in the 70s and 80s – willing to kill and kidnap political opponents whereas New Rightists were just preaching to the choir at conferences.

It’s all right there.

But this man and his boss Putin will save us from those “racist liberals,” right filthy goyim?

Put on a Soviet costume, whip out Mao’s Red Book, learn communist guerrilla warfare tactics, and start killing and cannibalizing Yankees.

If we do this Vladimir Putin might throw us a few shekels, dumb goyim.

That’s how Western civilization will be saved, nasty goyim.

Get to it.

3 thoughts on “Dugin is a Gaunt Retard Who Wants Black Cannibals to Enslave Us

  1. To tell all of you here the truth, I was introduced to RT by a far-leftist. Until that point I did not even know what the heck RT was.

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