E-Grifter Jake Lloyd Wants Whites to Conform to Jewish Speech Taboos to Sustain Access to Their Controlled Platforms

E-grifter Jake Lloyd believes that whites need to conform to Jewish speech taboos so that they let us exist on their controlled platforms.

He says as much in a talk called ‘What is Our Ultimate Objective?’ around the 35:00 mark:

This guy is like a factory-made clone of Nick Fuentes, repeating all the same cliches and axioms.

Optical is a weak-kneed cuck euphemism for: allowing Jews to tell us how we can express our disdain for their plan to genocide us through mass immigration.

In other words, ‘being optical’ is a disingenuous pretense for ‘being a slave to the Jewish thought police who control all political discourse on both sides’.

And it appears that even these tight-rope straddling optics cucks have failed the Jews’ litmus test. Fuentes claims he’s soon to be banned from jewtube:

Well, so much for the grand optics strategy.

These optics spergs are no threat to this Jewish system. They are effectively begging the Jews to let them have a tiny sliver of a say in public discourse by not getting banned from jewtube, and that this will somehow boil over into a grandiose political revolution.

Like sharks, Jews sense weakness from a mile away. If you approach them from a weak, feeble position, they will strike you harder than if you came charging at them like a bull. Jews are not about to just hand over their institutional power to white guys. They’ve worked around the clock for 100 years to remove white guys from power and aren’t about to just let them back in. They will fight tooth and nail, harnessing every possible resource at their disposal, to stop any racially aware white men from entering public institutions.

People like Jake Lloyd and Nick Fuentes are beggars, folks. They’re pandering to a corrupt system that is rigged against them, that has built-in firewalls to prevent the penetration of elements not subservient to Jewish racial interests.

We need to find other, more creative ways to defeat or at least circumvent the ZOG system. Begging the Jews not to gulag us is not the honorable last stand of a true, self-assured white man, but a languid coward who has already given up.

3 thoughts on “E-Grifter Jake Lloyd Wants Whites to Conform to Jewish Speech Taboos to Sustain Access to Their Controlled Platforms

  1. Either this guy hasn’t hit puberty yet or he has some sort of other issues that give him the Physionogomy of a infant. And like an infant he screams and pulls on mommys skirt to demand attention and milkies instead of being a grownup, move out, build your own thing.
    Jewtube, Twatter and Faceberg are all cesspools of human garbage why would anyone want to be a part of that.

  2. I agree optics cucks are gay. The jews have very effectively scrubbed their opposition from the web now. So where do we go? How do we spread mass awareness to the public? Do we need to use old fashioned means like pamphlets, posters? The jews understand those that control mass media control the public mind. How do we take control back and expose the kike?

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