French Dissident Writer Renaud Camus Fined for Opposing Replacism

France is a Jewish tyranny, one of the most unfree nations on earth next to China and North Korea.

This French writer Renaud Camus has been fined 3600 euros and given 2 months suspended prison sentence for stating the obvious fact that us Europeans, especially the French, are facing extinction through replacism.

The replacists, largely Jews, do not permit patriotic dissidents from opposing this evil agenda publicly without severe penalties.

Camus’ speech that got him fined:

Immigration has become invasion, invasion, migratory submersion. France and Europe are a hundred times more colonized, and more seriously, than they have ever colonized themselves. Irreversible colonization is demographic colonization, through population transfer.

Some say that there is no colonization because there is no military conquest. They are wrong. The army of conquest is the delinquents big and small, all those who make life impossible for the French by harming them in every way imaginable, from the too famous incivilities to terrorism, which is only an extension . All the perpetrators of attacks made their debut in common law delinquency. There are also no terrorists. There is an occupant who, from time to time, executes some hostages, we, as all the occupants have always done. I call occupants all those who declare themselves such, or appear as such by their behavior.

The change of people, ethnic substitution, the Great Replacement, are the most important event in the history of our country since it existed, since with another people history, if it continues, will no longer be that of France. France has always wonderfully assimilated individuals who wanted to be, it cannot assimilate peoples, and even less hostile, vindictive, even hateful and conquering peoples. It takes an unnamed vanity, and a complete ignorance of what a people is, to imagine that with a changed population France would still be France. All the words are liars but the most liar of all is that of French, alas. There are no French jihadists, for example. If they are jihadists they are not French.

To believe that there are only French people in France is a total illusion. There are invaders and invaders, colonizers and colonized, occupiers and occupiers.

We cannot put an end to colonization without the departure of the colonist: Algeria in its time showed it enough, alas – a good opportunity for us to underline, moreover, the difference in civilization.

One does not end an occupation without the departure of the Occupant. There is no other way out than remigration. The same people who declare it impracticable want to bring forty million migrants to Europe, if not two hundred million. They proclaim the man who has entered an era of general migration. Let it migrate and migrate, then. What is possible in one direction must well be in the other, with more means and gentleness.

The time is no longer for politics, elections, parties. 2022 is too far, the change of people will then be too advanced, the replacements will be the arbiters of the situation, unless they are not entirely the masters. And there is, in any case, no chance of ever winning a game in which the opponent has all the cards and for which he has fixed all the rules. Power, its banks, its judges and its media want ethnic substitution. They do not protect us from it, they organize it and promote it. They drugged the people to accept it, by teaching them to forget, deculturation, censorship, repression and permanent injections of self-hatred. They do not import workers, especially since there is no work and there will be less and less. They import future consumers, whom they no longer even bother to pass for refugees since the vast majority of these migrants come from countries where there is no war whatsoever: orphans, sick, young people adventurous or conquering, teenagers who quarreled with their parents or got into trouble with the police, traders who did bad business.

You say that these future consumers have no money. Think again, tomorrow they will have yours, because the so-called social transfers are, in truth, little more than ethnic transfers. Europe is the first continent to pay for its own colonization.

A specter haunts Europe and the world. It is replacement, the tendency to replace everything with its normalized, standardized, interchangeable double: the original by its copy, the authentic by its imitation, the true by the false, mothers by surrogate mothers, culture by leisure and entertainment, knowledge through diplomas, the countryside and the city through the universal suburbs, the native by the non-native, Europe by Africa, the man by the woman, the man and the woman by robots, peoples by other peoples, humanity by a haggard, undifferentiated, standardized posthumanity, thank you.

Of all the genetic manipulations, the Great Replacement, a kind of GPA applied to the whole planet, is the worst. Substitution genocide, in the words of Aimé Césaire, is the 21st century crime against humanity. It is, moreover, very unusual that environmentalists should stop humans from commendable concern for biodiversity.

Replacism is now considered strong enough to directly take over the management of the human fleet, without intermediaries. In France, Emmanuel Macron, who is in the world with Justin Trudeau, the most complete representative, has already neutralized the microcosm, sent back to their homes the main actors of French political life for thirty years, populated the Assembly of puppets in his pay, made up of a meeting government, shattered all the major parties. It does not govern, it manages, as it would a bank or a limited company.

He left politics through economics, finance and business management. We want to get out of it through history. The question of the independence or the subjugation of a great nation, of the survival or the disappearance of a great civilization, it is not politics, that: it is history. Charles de Gaulle – whom we celebrate today near his grave, for the anniversary of his death -, Charles de Gaulle in London, it was not politics. Jean Moulin in Lyon was not politics. Neither Joan of Arc in Chinon, nor Gandhi in Calcutta, nor any of those who stood up for the independence of their country and for the dignity of their people.

What we need today is not a new party, not even a union of the rights: the rejection of replacement totalitarianism is no less from the left than from the right. What we need is the gathering of all those who oppose Islamization and the African conquest. What is needed is a National Council of Resistance, of European resistance, because all the European nations are invited to lead alongside us the fight for the salvation of our common civilization, Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, Greco- Latin, Judeo-Christian and free-thinking.

My friend Karim Ouchikh, president of SIEL, and I, Renaud Camus, decided to constitute precisely that, a CNR, or CNRE. We will publicly offer to join us with all the personalities who seem to us animated by the same desire to save our country and we will thus enlarge our committee, by cooptation. But all the French and all Europeans who think like us are invited to get in touch with us and give us their support. The goal is to build a force such that it is ideally useless to use it.

That said, if unfortunately it happened that the only alternative that was left to us was submission or war, war then, a hundred times. Besides, there would be nothing civil about it, despite the number of collaborators and traitors. It would rather be part of the great tradition of fighting for the right of peoples to self-determination, for the liberation of the territory and for decolonization. We must finally get out of the colonial era, which our colonizers tell us so badly while colonizing us. It is necessary to stop once, if possible above the Mediterranean, the crazy pendulum of colonizations and counter-colonizations.

The Jewish race proudly boasts of replacing us, but you cannot say it, you cannot draw attention to it, let alone oppose it politically.

They can gloat in the demise of our race, as they often do in their media organs, but we’re not allowed to name them as the architects of our misfortune.

This is the purest form of Jewish racial tyranny.

13 thoughts on “French Dissident Writer Renaud Camus Fined for Opposing Replacism

  1. I am upset by the end of my favourite french TV channel ‘MB Live Tv.’
    It is scheduled to be closed down early this year.
    It is escapism with good, wholesome, outdoor programs, for the independently minded sail anywhere, trek inland, climb mountain, jump off cliff edge wearing wing suit types of people.
    Scenery is stunning, cookery and mountain dwelling features too.

    It seems that everything good on TV is being removed and replaced with garbage like televised darts.

  2. “France and Europe are a hundred times more colonized, and more seriously, than they have ever colonized themselves. Irreversible colonization is demographic colonization, through population transfer.”

    Obviously. When Europeans colonized what today we call “the 3rd world”, they didn’t change the demographics. Africa is still African. South Asia is still South Asian.

    Of course the Muricas happened. But the whole “Native Murican genocide” is bollocks. Most Native Muricans were hunter gatherers before Europeans arrived there. Only central American cultures from Mexico to like Peru were into agriculture before Europeans came, such as the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans. Everything North and South of that area were hunter gatherers. And not to mention that the agriculture practiced by pre-European Central Americans was inferior to the kind of agriculture practiced in the Old World.

    Lastly, Australia and New Zealand were barely populated by their natives. At about 3/4 of a million today, the Aboriginal Australian population is bigger than what it was when Europeans moved to Australia. Think that today with 24 or so million inhabitants, Australia has a population density of a little more than 3 people per km2. How much it was back then when there were about 200-300 thousand Aboriginals? Sure that there was a lot of land in Australia that was empty, unlike in Europe today.

    1. “Only central American cultures from Mexico to like Peru were into agriculture before Europeans came, such as the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans” – and even the heirs to the Inca have stated that their traditions are that THEY did not come from the Inca nor build the cloud settlements, etc. like Macchu Picchu – A blond-haired, blue-eyed people did that.

  3. Very well written; very erudite, but in the end, what does it all matter? You can write and write and write and write and write over and over and over again about the same topic until you’re blue in the face but if you continue to allow the change to sweep over you, then all the fine words in the world won’t amount to a hill of beans.
    The man’s obviously intelligent and well spoken, but unless the people at the top ACTUALLY do something it won’t matter at all…

    1. Writing as that man did, IS actually doing something Howard.
      Researching, writing, speaking and filming matters very much.
      It is a step above simply spreading and echoing what others have written.
      Truth and exposés are what’s needed.
      Viral, common knowledge over time becomes very powerful.
      Then at the right time, all that is needed is the right spark to ignite an unstoppable change for the better.
      It takes time, be patient.
      🙂 dreaming on . . .

  4. Please, investigate about Renaud Camus. He is a proud pederast, like Gabriel Matzneff. They are both linked to New Right and to Russia.

    1. Slightly on a tangent.
      Consolidated Jewish Surname Index (CJSI)
      His surname ‘Camus’ is there if you do the search.

      What Is a “Jewish Name”?
      Some people use CJSI to determine if a surname is Jewish.
      The fact that you find a surname in this index does not necessarily mean that a given surname is Jewish.
      This occurs for three major reasons:

      1. Jews and non-Jews share surnames.
      The third most common Jewish surname in the United States (after Cohen and Levy) is Miller. Clearly Miller is both non-Jewish and Jewish.

      2. Intermarriage and conversion.
      The fact that the surname McKenney appears in CJSI does not mean necessarily that Jews bore this name.
      One source, the Family Tree of the Jewish People, is a database of family trees developed by Jewish genealogists.
      But these trees would also include non-Jewish branches of families.

      3. Nature of database.
      Some of the databases named are predominantly Jewish but do contain non-Jewish individuals.
      An example is the Russian Consular Records database of people who transacted business with the czarist consulates in the United States.

      1. You are right. It has been clearly documented by himself in this speech, I quote:

        “What is needed is a National Council of Resistance, of European resistance, because all the European nations are invited to lead alongside us the fight for the salvation of our common civilization, Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, Greco- Latin, Judeo-Christian and free-thinking.”

        Have you noticed? JUDEO-CHRISTIAN

        This imbecile, like many so-called nationalists or cuckservatives, thinks that by licking the boots of the Jews he will be allowed to speak against mass immigration (real name = invasion). He also mentioned as examples of French patriotism Charles de Gaulle (another puppet of the Jews who came back to France crawling behind the American tanks) and the Marxist “hero” of the non-existing Resistance Jean Moulin.

        Camus is just a civic, politically-correct nationalist. That means a fraud and a moron.

        Serves him right.

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