GERMANS RISE: Proud Patriots Taking Back Their Nation from Jews & Globalists

The German flame is rising once again.

This documentary is meant to be a hit piece, but it shows German patriots standing up for their nation against the Jews and Bolsheviks who are destroying it.

Germany has been a major focal point of the Globalist Jewish war against whites.

They particularly aim to erase the German nation and people because it was the last European country to expel Jews.

International Jews have been waging a sustained campaign of ethnic warfare against the Germans since 1933.

For reasons of jealousy and envy, Jews habour a visceral racial hatred of Germans and seek to abolish them from the historical record.

These Jews must be stopped.

5 thoughts on “GERMANS RISE: Proud Patriots Taking Back Their Nation from Jews & Globalists

  1. The only way to take your back Europe and America for the whites is to take Jews out of the equation … Permanently…
    (I.e. confine them permanently on the island of Madagascar and don’t let him off…)

  2. Forty percent of New York State and Twenty-two percent of New Jersey are foreign born. The Jews had a big hand in it.

  3. @Scott
    Scott said:

    Twenty-two percent of New Jersey are foreign born

    I read somewhere that basically all of Beverly Hills’ 34,000 residents are Jewish.

    from Miles Mathis iran.pdf:
    Before I move on to Khomeini, let’s find out what happened to the Pahlavis after the ’79
    revolution. Nimtaj Ayromlou, Reza’s wife, was “exiled” to Beverly Hills. Poor lady. What a
    terrible exile.

    Persian Jews make up a sizable proportion of the population of Beverly Hills, California.
    Persian Jews constitute a great percentage of the 26% of the total population of Beverly
    Hills that identifies as Iranian-American.
    Since basically all of Beverly Hills’ 34,000 residents are Jewish, that means 1 in 4 people you
    meet there are Iranian.

    On jets are plotted on a world map, details of their make, model, flight paths, owners.
    Sometimes you can see a little plane, off the beaten track, heading in a determined fashion for europe.
    Checking it out you find it is heading from New Jersey to Paris, type Gulfstream Jet, owner Wells Fargo.
    I suppose the bankers have meetings to attend all over the world and normal First / Business Class is not good enough for them.
    Also applies to some religious tele evangelists, who allegedly own jets, gold plated offices and bathrooms.
    If you’ve got it flaunt it.
    Well if you can afford a $30million dollar jet, why not?

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