Italian Charlatan Leo Zagami, Rosanne Barr & Gaggle of Jew Dorks Attack Adam Green With Weird Jewish Smears

Oddball Italian charlatan Leo Zagami had a gaggle of deluded Jewish dorks on his stream, including the senile old hag Rosanne Barr.

At 1:40:00 of the show Adam Green is mentioned as a “horrible anti-Semite” who called out Zagami’s pro-Jewish shilling in a video.

This is a complete shill and snoozefest, folks.

One of Zagami’s deranged Jewish guests went off on a tirade, invoking some weird Jewish smears that Adam is a self-hating part-Jew who only does and says things against Jews because he has issues with his own identity.

Green is not Jewish and criticizes Jews based on their behaviour, not really anything else, citing all of his sources for their malevolent behaviour in his videos.

Jews often engage in this kind of reverse psychology to attack their critics on a personal level. The Jew knows that his race is so universally despised that he shrewdly adopts the derisory stratagem of inferring that his critic is himself a Jew to discredit him. This produces the effect of causing suspicion and dissension among the followers of that critic.

In all of this diversionary Jewish scuttlebutt there is a distinct lack of substance on the part of the Jew. There is no attempt to actually address the charges made against Jews by their critic.

You can now expect a Jew to call you a Jew before he addresses your points, goyim.

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