Joe Biden Is a White Supremacist Nazi!

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is a white supremacist Nazi who wants to gas six gorillian Jews in ovens.

The proof.

That’s right, nigga. Our cuuuulture.

Actually, leftists have corrected the record that this clip was taken out of context. It’s ok everyone, Biden made the remarks in the context of besmirching European-American culture as misogynistic.

He was actually bashing whites and our culture, not praising it, so everything’s just fine.

Washington Post:

The video in question, which your humble blogger will not link to, shows only 19 seconds of a 13-minute monologue that Biden delivered in New Hampshire. Biden had been asked by an audience member to speak about his work and his agenda on sexual assault and domestic violence.

Biden opened by talking about how English common law in the 1300s allowed for husbands to beat their wives, and then said that we had inherited this “cultural problem.” Biden then talked at great length about his father’s teachings to him, his work in the Senate on domestic violence, and other related matters.

Whew. Biden was simply making the point that European culture promotes wife-beating.

To think that a white politician would say something positive about white people, ugh, how grotesquely racist that would’ve been.

Thankfully, Mr. Biden wants the white race in America to disappear. Once all whites are gone, America will blossom into a land of milk and honey because black people and hispanics are racially superior to white people.

One thought on “Joe Biden Is a White Supremacist Nazi!

  1. Your clever new layout Brandon.
    I like it, keep it . . . although the main picture disappears if styles are switched off (so maybe fix that if you want it to work for every case).
    On some websites I sometimes switch off styles to read text clearer, admittedly usually after seeing the main picture at the top.
    Thanks and Happy New Year.

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