Faggotronic Russian Media Condemns a White Pride Festival in Ukraine, Demands Censorship

The faggotronic Russian media is complaining about a White Pride festival in Ukraine that took place a few months ago.


A recent festival in Kiev proudly displayed Nazi symbols and even advertised ‘White Pride’ – yet received almost no attention from Western media, who still steadfastly pretend there are no Nazis in Ukraine, neo- or otherwise.

Officially, the ‘Young Flame’ festival celebrated Ukrainian “traditions” such as martial arts, shooting and horseback riding. The event’s website (now deleted), indicated something far more sinister than another get together  popularizing a healthy lifestyle.

It features one promotional video of men marching with torches that would “kindle the flames of righteous anger that will burn until dawn.”

At the festival itself, a large screen installation flashed words such as “victory” and “honor” – in German – and the unmistakable phrase “White Power” in English.

It was organized by the Azov Regiment, a one-time “volunteer battalion” that became notorious during the civil war in Ukraine’s east, and is now part of the country’s National Guard. 

Azov’s logo is the “Wolfsangel” rune used by the 2nd SS Panzer Division ‘Das Reich’ in WWII.

Their leader, Andriy Biletsky, once said that Ukraine’s purpose was to “lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade” against the “Semite-led Untermenschen.” 

During the summer of 2014, they fought under the command of Andriy Parubiy, founder of the Social-National Party of Ukraine (whose logo was also the Wolfsangel) and co-founder with Biletsky of Patriot of Ukraine. Parubiy led the armed faction of Maidan protesters that had carried out a coup in Kiev in February 2014. He was rewarded for failure in the war by becoming the chair of the Ukrainian Rada for three years.

…That might be a clue as to why the government in Kiev hasn’t done anything to curb these overt Nazi displays. The ultra-nationalists brought Petro Poroshenko to power in the first place, and he was not inclined to go against them. Indeed, he embraced their cult of Stepan Bandera, the WWII leader of Ukrainian nationalists. 

Unlike his predecessor, Zelensky is not beholden to the neo-Nazis to stay in office, having won overwhelming public support. So far, however, he has shown himself reluctant to make radical policy changes for now, preferring to mouth the same platitudes in an effort to be all things to all people.

Meanwhile, the Nazis continue to march with torches, give concerts promoting “White Power,” and poison Ukraine with their ideology of racial and national hatred.

Russia Today is totally full of shit.

Look how based these Ukrainians are:

The pro-white Azov/National Corps movement hosted this festival which featured an MMA tournament and all kinds of glorious cultural activities.

This kind of racial pride is unheard of in the rest of Europe.

As a new nation, Ukrainians harbor a fierce patriotism and carry forward an unbreakable national identity.

Putin’s Russia seeks to smother Ukrainian nationalism and identity because it wants to recolonize this land and impose a neo-Bolshevik tyranny. This is why Russian media is always bloviating about “Nazis” in Ukraine while Putin’s government officially sucks the cock of Bolshevik mass murderer Stalin and obligates its citizens to worship this butcher.

Certain corrupted factions of the American alt-right want us to believe that a Jew-loving KGB agent who glorifies Stalin is better than these based Ukrainians.

There is no logic to their claims. These rubes are obviously just pandering for Russian roubles in some vain clout chasing endeavor. But they’ve even failed at doing that as Russia has taken very little interest in them besides giving them a few interviews on their faggotronic third-rate media channels.

30 thoughts on “Faggotronic Russian Media Condemns a White Pride Festival in Ukraine, Demands Censorship

  1. Brandon, how is your command of the Russian language? Would you be able to read a newspaper or a history book?

    1. Asking me my command of the Russian language is not an argument. It is a dodge.

      That’s like saying that if you don’t read Hebrew or Yiddish, you’re not qualified to comment on Jewish or Israeli matters.

      I don’t speak French, so I can’t talk about France then.

      Very weak.

      Why don’t you address the content of the article, that Russian media is hostile to pro-white activism in Ukraine because it is an anti-white Bolshevik power.

      1. I did not make any arguments, I asked a question that you immediately spun around in a defensive manner. Just like I am not ‘dodging’ any accusations, because noone made any. It seems to me that you are arguing with the voices in your head (although, given that you are a Spaniard who is twisted on the Russian theme for no apparent reason, I am not surprised).

        1. It was fairly obvious the intention of your question. The implication being that not reading Russian disqualifies one from commenting on Russian matters. If that’s the case then nobody can comment on any country unless fluent in the language of that country.

          1. That was not my intention. My intention was to find out why a man with a Spanish last name would be obsessed with a country that he apparently has never been to, whose language he does not speak and to which he does not relate in any apparent manner. Feel free to provide an explanation.

            1. My interest in this country relates to its subversive geopolitical activities in Europe and its take over of the alternative media to enlist shock troops for a Eurasianist expansion agenda. I think it’s an important facet of what’s going on today geopolitically. I have no connection to Israel nor do I speak hebrew but I talk about Israel a fair bit as it relates to its influence over white nations.

              Would you care to comment on the Russian government and media’s hatred of white Ukrainians and opposition to white self-determination in Eastern Europe?

              1. I cannot comment on the Russian government, since I am not a part of it and haven’t even been to Russia in 16 years. Neither can I imagine myself sitting around all day writing articles titled:
                “800 years of muslim domination has irreparably changed the Spanish mentality”
                “Spaniards are not even white, just look at them!”
                “Spain’s economy is the laughing stock of Europe. Incoming bailout from Germany”
                “Spanish government is oppressing brave Catalonian freedom fighters”
                “the Spanish act white in Europe and native in Latin America”

                …That would look fairly strange, don’t you think?

                1. Stanislav
                  So your point is that every Russian and Russian state media can blame America for everything and comment on global news all day but when someone from “West” is commenting and analyzing Russia – it’s an obsession!? Okay pal….

                2. Are you honestly claiming that Russia is the only thing I write about? Looking at my articles last month maybe two or three have been about Russia, and I put out 50 or more posts in that period. I talk about it when something comes up in the press. Are you suggesting that I’m not allowed to speak about this precious country of yours?

                  I have nothing against Russians themselves. I talk about Putin and his regime. I’ve talked about how Putin has put in jail real Russian nationalists. None of the main alt-right people EVER mention that because they are running cover for Putin.

                  1. You are giving lots of red flags:
                    – a persistent anti-Russian/pro-Ukrainian attitude usually means association with a ‘Ukrainian Research Institute’ or some such foreign taxpayer-funded scheme
                    – you base your knowledge on nothing but hearsay
                    – in Russia proper, your appearance would not qualify you to be called white

                    If you want my opinion on the matter at hand, here it is briefly:
                    1. Ukraine is an artificial country with fake borders drawn by communists. Ukrainians and Russians are one and the same ethnicity, genetically identical – thus Ukrainian self-identity is entirely negative. The 2014 revolution was a coup against a democratically elected president. The ‘invasion-backed insurgency’ in eastern Ukraine is a civil war between Russians calling themselves communists and Russians calling themselves not Russian.
                    2. Putin has a profoundly late-USSR mentality that he hides under a veneer of civic nationalism. Nationally, his goal is the strengthening of central power. Internationally, he has no geopolitics apart from securing the immediate borders (i.e. there is no expansion agenda, and his ‘meddling’ is in no way a plan for world domination). His alliances are nothing but expediency, and his soft power is pure bargaining. He speaks cryptically and never commits to any long-term strategy, but he is a rational actor.
                    3. Putin is a legitimate ruler with the approval rating of 80% in some years. On the other hand, Russian people have a tradition of lowkey civil disobedience where laws are circumvented or ignored (a convenience that Western countries don’t have). News feed is useless, there is no correlation between official policy and popular mood, you never know which piece of social engineering will be seen through and which won’t.
                    4. There is no official ideology, many social institutions are moving by inertia since the Soviet times. Politics and economics are not united by anything except corruption, Chinese style. There is a popular Communist Party that is full civnat in everything but name. Most people not in government employ are fiscal liberals and capitalists, but cultural centrists. Popular culture is dominated by jews and is cynical and decadent but not degenerate. People will cosplay western behavior without any intellectual attachment to it, which produces dissonance (e.g. affirmative action is rampant, but there is no political correctness; everyone strives to better himself, but absolutely nobody believes in progressivism, end of history etc. Are you able to picture that?)
                    5. Russian attitude towards Europe is a long-standing, slow-burning love-hate relationship that is very hard to discern from the outside: people make fun of Europe’s fails, but noone will rush to invade Poland; there might be cries of prejudice and uneasy anxiousness, but also an intuitive sense of white kinship. Knowledge about the world beyond Europe is based on educated guesses. Everyday life is reductionist and minimalist, nobody protests the political system because nobody wants to rock the boat in uncertain times.

                    See, you are beginning to learn something. In fact, you now know more about Russia than 99% of the alt-right. If you have proof of something extraordinary, re: Putin flying around like Batman or killing his detractors abroad with mind bullets – I am all attention.

                    1. This is not your opinion, this is some rap sheet you pulled from Kremlin.ru.

                      Most of it bullshit, of course, especially this: “Ukraine is an artificial country with fake borders drawn by communists.”

                      And what is Russia if not an “artificial country with fake borders drawn by communists”? The ever-expanding and contracting borders of Russia make it one of the most mutable nations of all.

                      All countries have “artificial borders” that were set by treaties, land lost and then retaken. New nations have been born on a whim, like Pakistan/Bangladesh, Israel, Czech Republic,Slovakia, etc.

                      Only very dumb people would attempt to build an argument on the idea that a country can’t exist because it didn’t exist for all of human history. All nations shouldn’t exist then, genius.

                      The rest is too boring to even address.

                    2. Answering myself since you’re too chicken to let me reply.

                      A country represents people who live in it. There is literally zero reason to have two neighbouring countries for the same nation. Yes, modern Russia is a fake country but what makes it fake is the official, legally sanctioned affirmative action instituted by communists that continues to this day. In certain aspects, it is basically a state of reverse apartheid a-la South Africa. What makes Ukraine fake is that Ukrainians are not an ethnos, they are essentially Russian separatists who chose to run away from the problem instead of fighting it. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

                      I am not a fan of whims, much less communist whims. Imagine that all the progressive, forward-thinking residents of Barcelona fancied themselves a distinct nation of ‘Barcelonians’, invented themselves funny names and a pigeon language, spread fake news about being ‘oppressed’ by an ’empire’ run out of Madrid and then had the temerity to try and recruit the world at large to their cause. You would call these people crazy, and rightly so.

                      Nice deflection attempt there at the end, but you are not saying that Ukraine may or may not exist; you are saying that it MUST exist because reasons. That’s how I know that it’s in fact you who is a shill and not me. Well, it ends here then. You arrogantly decided not to take my testimony on its merit and instead discovered your bias by way of the all-too-predictable dismissive formula of *well-spoken plus defends Russia plus internet equals Kremlin bot*. Have a nice day.

                    3. “Ukraine is an artificial country with fake borders drawn by communists”
                      Ok. Finally I see a Russian person, who supports giving Finnish Karelia back to Finland.
                      “Ukrainians and Russians are one and the same ethnicity, genetically identical”
                      “Dig into a Russian and you will find a Tatar” – Vladimir Putin )))))))

                    4. Did you know that the language that Ukrainian has the most in common with is not Russian, but actually Slovak? Oh yeah and Ukrainian has also more in common with Belorussian and Polish than with Russian. So much for Ukrainians being Russians.

            2. “whose language he does not speak”
              Hey, Stanislav, I am Russian-speaker who even doesn’t use Ukrainian language in private life. And I say: Fuck Russia. And I like this website. One of the most based websites on the Internet. Not because it’s anti-Russsian. I wish all Russians to stop being brainwashed by Kremlin, repent, and join the White Club.

  2. A commentary, probably, from insider, based in Ukraine.
    This article (The False Romance of Russia) is one more proof that the Western (particularly US) academia have been telling fairy tales about the “enigmatic and mysterious” Russia and “great Russian culture(?!) for the last seventy years, instead of telling the truth about the malignant entity called “Russia”.
    Another insider:
    Russian terrorists returned the body of murdered Ukrainian soldier with internal organs removed.
    Russia is barbarian culture.

  3. @Stanislav

    I didn’t block you from commenting, the threads end at a certain point or else it would be stretched too thin. But I should block you since you came her implying that I work for some Ukrainian think tank because I’m not sucking Kremlin penis. Which Kremlin think tank sent you here, Boris?

    you wrote:

    What makes Ukraine fake is that Ukrainians are not an ethnos, they are essentially Russian separatists who chose to run away from the problem instead of fighting it

    Russia is a porous medley of different ethnic groups and Ukrainians are hardly the only ones who have sought and achieved separation from Russia. There’s Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus and Georgia. Chechnya nearly separated. That’s because people are different and they want to live among their own. If the Ukrainians weren’t an ethos, then they wouldn’t even have a nation today, and they’d have no will to fight the Russian separatists in the country’s east. The fact is that they are an ethnos, and this bothers you because you want to erase this ethnos in favour of some bland Soviet identity rooted in nothing but ideology.

    There is literally zero reason to have two neighbouring countries for the same nation

    They’re not the exact same, and are distinctive enough to have formed their own in-group/out-group, based on linguistics, culture, tradition, religion, etc. That’s enough for a nation to form itself. If two similar peoples can’t form separate nation, then you might as well erase most nations on earth and establish giant blocs instead, which is probably what you want.

    By your same logic Czech Republic and Slovakia shouldn’t be separate, neither should Serbia/Croatia/Bosnia, Austria/Germany, Norway/Denmark/Sweden/Finland, Spain/Portugal, etc. Ditto with Asians, Africans, etc.

    I don’t see any reason why the borders between these countries should be erased based on the feelings of some Russian guy who has delusions of grandeur about the Russian Imperium. The more white countries the better.

    1. There are so many strawmen here, you could thatch all the roofs in Hobbitland.

      Yet again, you accuse me of being a shill for no reason. You know nothing about me. I am most definitely not an imperialist, multiculturalist or believer in proposition nations. I am a Russian nationalist who thinks that Russians, Ukrainians and Belarussians are one and the same and should reunite. (For starts, read a history book. Then put us together side by side, and you won’t tell us apart. And if you still don’t believe me, they have these things called DNA tests.)

      “By your same logic Czech Republic and Slovakia shouldn’t be separate, neither should Serbia/Croatia/Bosnia, Austria/Germany, Norway/Denmark/Sweden/Finland, Spain/Portugal, etc.” – actually yes, I believe that these were accidents of history that put essentially identical people on the wrong sides of the border. South Koreans and North Koreans are one ethnicity, and their reunification is just a matter of time – unlike Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Chechens and Georgians who are vastly different and have nothing in common with Russians except for being a part of the former empire. Conversely, european colonialism in the Middle East put different tribes on the same side of the border (think Belgium). All these were mistakes that could have been prevented – much more so in the case of Ukraine, given that it only became independent a mere 30 years ago.

      Your lack of self-awareness is astonishing. You agitate on the behalf of all white people, and last time I checked Russians were white, but you pretend that either they are not or that their opinion does not matter. Do you find it strange that a Russian guy would speak on things Russian? Despite what your mother told you, you are not THAT special. Where is Catalan independence, senor Martinez? What about my example of a fictional ‘Barcelonian’ nation? And how soon will you be giving western Ukraine back to Poland, southern Ukraine back to Romania and south-western Ukraine back to Hungary?

      1. “And how soon will you be giving western Ukraine back to Poland, southern Ukraine back to Romania and south-western Ukraine back to Hungary?”
        Hey, stupid dumb imbecilic Kremlin troll!
        Under what pretext Stalin annexed those territories?

          1. “protecting Soviet Ukraine”
            Hey, since when Western Ukraine became “Soviet”? Did Poland attack Soviet Union and occupy part of it? You are not just a troll, you are stupid troll.

            1. The official explanation was: there were Ukrainians in Poland, and they needed to be protected. Same explanation Germany gave for invading Poland, with Germans living there. This was a result of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. This is common knowledge.

              I still don’t get your point, though. If you are trying to establish some sort of intuitive connection between the Soviet government of 1939, the Russian government of 2020 and myself, you are failing at it. So I ask you directly: is Lvov a part of Poland or a part of Ukraine?

      2. ” I am a Russian nationalist who thinks that Russians, Ukrainians and Belarussians are one and the same and should reunite ”
        You are not a Russian nationalist. You are just a poor graduatee from English language department hired by Kremlin troll-center to post propagandist ridiculous nonsense, which you even do not understand. Hired because there is no chance to make a career of a linguist in Putin’s Russia. Or maybe you are just a Kike who emigrated to the West (or Israel) as “Jewish Soviet Refugee”.

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