Martinez Perspective: Discussion With Self-Hating Jew About Jews & E-Grifters

On this January 18, 2020, edition of the Martinez Perspective I spoke with the red-pilled self-hating Jew, Jesse B.

Topics covered:

  • the racial double standards of Jews (Israel for jews, white countries for everyone)
  • the Kalergi plan of Jews to wipe out the Caucasian racial group
  • the fraud of the “anti-war” & “anti-Zionist” movement who shill for any government not aligned with the USA/West
  • the incoherent arguments of nutty Nazbol types who love Jews and Moslems who are aligned with Russia/Putin but hate the ones aligned with the US/West


7 thoughts on “Martinez Perspective: Discussion With Self-Hating Jew About Jews & E-Grifters

  1. Throughout history we have suffered unwanted wars.
    Resulting in death, destruction, chaos and suffering.
    For us the wars achieved very little, it feels like we lost.
    Who wanted these wars and got them justified?
    There are official reasons given, but never the real reasons.
    The policy makers and politicians get deceived, swayed or corrupted if not already so.
    You need to be rich and/or powerful and/or in the right secret networks to gain sway or be able to corrupt at the very top.
    Who are they, these all powerful influencers?
    They scheme for themselves and friends to profit from wars.
    They make rules to control or destroy threats to their plans.
    They use others as the implementers and the cannon fodder.
    They devise exit stategies that they and their friends profit from.
    They lie to wash the blood from their hands.
    They secretly network and are very nepotistic.

  2. The Kalergie Plan is not a real thing. Kalergie wrote in his Book “Practical Idealism” a critique about the possible intermixing of different races and the product of such mixing would be basicly an urbanide bugman mystery meat. He also called the jews “somehow nobel” because they manage to remain jews over thousands of years and stll practice the customes of their ancestors, unlike european peoples.

    1. Just read his book and figure out he sayd something completely different from what the alt-right Kalergi Plan crowd claims.

  3. This Jew is totally deceptive. From the 10 minute point to about 13 minutes, he simply makes the bald face assertion that simply because Jews don’t like whites asserting their own rights that that’s a bad thing. Well whites do like asserting their own rights for their own selves, so what he says (the Jew) means absolutely nothing. Just because some stinking Jew thinks that whites should be destroyed doesn’t mean that that is something that should happen. The matter what Jew you talk to they’re going to deceive you. So there’s really no reason to engage them in any conversation. The Jew only respects force and he respects it most when it’s used directly against himself the Jew.

  4. So basically Jews want to expand the economical market! So they can rule over it! This makes perfect sense!
    When Europe takes in immigrants from Africa they all get bank accounts, social care, housing. etc. they basically make a new “Industry” around them!
    When some “fascists” government get overthrow in some country THEY immediately can get in there with their banks and companies in drain out resources and other Jews can move in these countries and earn money acting as the middle man!

  5. I found myself soon disappointed and irritated by this interview, as the Jewish fellow interviewed seemed incapable of understanding what is among the more obvious things about the Ashkenazim and Sephardim–namely a determination to preserve their own ethnic/genetic/cultural heritage and–at the same time–to promote the destruction of non-Jewish White heritage through integration with alien groups. While favoring a Jewish ethnocratic state of Israel and stalwartly supporting it, they typically tell the White goyim that “people are people,” and they demonize any attempt by the latter to preserve their own tribes as the Ash/Seph are preserving theirs.

    Martinez kept coming back to that point in the first half, hoping, I suppose, that the Jew would acknowledge this sinister and hate-filled double standard; but the Jew never did–at least not in the first 28 minutes (I got no farther). He just kept saying Jews are taught that Israel’s unwillingness to allow large-scale non-Jewish immigration is based on concerns over violent attacks; nor did he even seem to be acquainted with Western Jews’ and even some Israeli Jews’ notorious espousal of Third-World invasions of non-Jewish-White, Western lands.

    Well, when it comes to Israel, people are definitely NOT people. There are Jews and, on the other side of a Talmudic divide, everybody else. That preventing ethnic/genetic/cultural dilution, the being changed to death, is perhaps a greater concern in Israel than even preventing “terrorist” violence, is clear from Israelis’ own mouths. See “Netanyahu says ‘flood of African migrants worse than Sinai terrorists.'” THE TIMES OF ISRAEL.

    Netanyahu says, in 2012, “If we don’t stop their entry, the population that currently stands at 60,000 could grow to 600,000, and THAT THREATENS OUR EXISTENCE AS A JEWISH STATE….The phenomenon is very grave and threatens THE SOCIAL FABRIC OF OUR SOCIETY….AND OUR NATIONAL IDENTITY.” Emphasis mine.

    In 2018, after the impenetrable barrier on Sinai is built to keep black Africans out, he says, “….without this barrier, we would face terrorist attacks AND, WORSE, A MASSIVE INFLUX OF ILLEGAL AFRICAN MIGRANTS….HOW CAN WE ENSURE THAT [ISRAEL] REMAINS JEWISH with 50,000 or 100,000 migrants per year?” AFRICANEWS, 3/21/18: “Israel PM Says Illegal African Migrants Worse than Terrorists.” Emphasis mine.

    And this is from Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Emmanuel Nahson, in 2016: “….if you add this element of migrants who come here and want to stay here….THEN IT COULD ALSO BECOME A CHALLENGE TO OUR IDENTITY HERE IN ISRAEL.” BBC News Israel, 3 February 2016, “Israel’s Unwanted African Migrants.” Emphasis mine.

    And though there’s no record of black Africans perpetrating “terrorist” attacks on Israel, Knesset member Miri Regev said in 2012 that black migrants are a CANCER in Israeli society; and THE TIMES OF ISRAEL reported (7 June 2012): “Fifty-two percent of Jewish Israelis identify with the statement of MK Miri Regev last month that African migrants are ‘a cancer’ in the body of the nation, and more than a third condone anti-migrant violence, according to the Israeli Democracy Institute Peace Index for May 2012.”

    Actually, Jews figure to be more aware of how immigration can destroy a society, inasmuch as 20th C. Jewish immigration into Palestine was essential in enabling Zionists to take over the region. And bigots like Rabbi Efrati, infected by a lust for what he considers revenge, is explicitly glad–he rejoices–that “Europe is losing its identity” via alien immigration. Lose your identity while we keep ours: what surer way is there of prevailing over those one views as one’s natural enemies?

    See R.E’s archived “How the Jews Stole Palestine from Arabs” (in the Guest Contributors section) and also “Israel: a Tale of the Danger of Migration and its Remedy” at The European Family Blog.

    The Jew in the above interview is either fairly ignorant or isn’t as honest as we might wish a Jewish maverick to be. So far he’s no rival of Benjamin Freedman.

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Martinez Perspective