Based Belgians Hold Parade Dressed As Ugly Scheming Jews

The Belgians know… shut it down!


A Belgian city has defended as “just fun” a carnival featuring caricatures of Orthodox Jews wearing huge fur hats, long fake noses and ant costumes.

Israel, Jewish groups and Belgian Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès were among many who strongly condemned the costumes in Sunday’s parade in Aalst. 

Some critics said likening Jews to ants was similar to Nazi anti-Semitism, which persecuted Jews as “vermin”.

The Aalst mayor’s spokesman told the BBC “it’s our humour… just fun”.

Peter Van den Bossche said “there isn’t a movement behind it” and “we don’t wish harm to anyone”. 

“It’s our parade, our humour, people can do whatever they want,” he said. “It’s a weekend of freedom of speech.”

Aalst lies 31km (19 miles) northwest of Brussels – the heart of the EU – and is run by the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), a nationalist party pushing for Flanders independence.

The city drew much criticism for parading caricature Jews last year – so much so that it was dropped from Unesco’s cultural heritage list in December. After the outcry, Aalst itself had asked to be taken off the list.

Unesco – the UN’s educational and cultural agency – was also satirised in the parade on Sunday.

Other floats mocked UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Brexit, climate activist Greta Thunberg, and Jesus Christ on the cross.

There were also people parading in Nazi SS uniform – despite the fact that, in World War Two, the Nazis deported about 25,000 Jews from occupied Belgium to the Auschwitz death camp, where most were murdered.

This is what we need… more openly displays of defiance against the monstrous Jewish elite who are executing a plan of white genocide as we speak.

These bastards need to be shown as ugly creatures trying to cause harm to all that is good and righteous.

The Jews are whining big time about this.

The Jew must be depicted publicly as something comparable to a medieval witch or goblin.

Borat had it right.

Unfortunately, Borat is himself a rancid Jew called Sasha Baron Cohen who does anti-Semitic characters to mock righteous Jew hatred.

Piece of shit.

One thought on “Based Belgians Hold Parade Dressed As Ugly Scheming Jews

  1. Spaniards are doing it too.

    Not surprising, they have a proud history of removing judios and kebabs.
    The moros y cristianos fiestas are based as fuck. I bet muslim cutthroats whine about it because it’s offensive to show their ancestors were far from invincible.

    Anyway, it’s good to see more and more europeans are getting vocal about jew rats and the holohoax despite all the jewish screeching.

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