Holland: Turkish Immigrants Being Fed Anti-Western Propaganda by Evil Turkish State

Turks are an Islamic trojan horse in Holland, Germany and everywhere else that Turks exist in Europe.

Voice of Europe:

Turkish immigrants are being subjected to anti-Western propaganda in western nations like the Netherlands, according to Turkish Professor of Cultural Studies Erik-Jan Zürcher.

According to Zürcher, Turks living in the Netherlands are being inundated with anti-Western propaganda which seeks to persuade them to have negative feelings against Western governments and institutions, Dutch daily newspaper Het Parool reports.

The Netherlands is home to many different mosques which are connected to and financed by various Turkish government organizations, one of which is called Diyanet. Diaynet is an Islamic organization that finances the construction of mosques and supplies Imams and religious leaders for mosques operating throughout the Netherlands and in other Western European countries.

The main focus of these Turkish government organizations is unity & religion – but not unity with the Dutch state or Christianity.  Diyanet and other Turkish government organizations that are similar to it attempt to persuade Turkish citizens around world that Western countries do not want them, and that they should refrain from integrating into Western culture and society, and “stay true” to their own Islamic cultural values and belief system instead.

So the Turkish government is funding mosques in Holland which preach rebellion against Western governments.

The goat-fucking Erdogan regime is literally engaged in Turkish Islamic colonization in Europe.

That’s exactly what this is.

The savage goat-fucker also called for Turks in Europe to breed like rabbits and “stake a claim” to the continent.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday urged Turks resident in Europe to have five children, telling the millions-strong diaspora they were the continent’s “future” as a bitter dispute festered between Ankara and Brussels.

Turkey and Europe are locked in diplomatic crisis after Germany and the Netherlands blocked Turkish ministers from campaigning for a ‘yes’ vote in next month’s referendum on expanding Erdogan’s powers.

Erdogan has repeatedly accused EU states of behaving like Nazi Germany over what he sees as discrimination against Turks, in comments that have caused outrage across the continent.

“From here I say to my citizens, I say to my brothers and sisters in Europe… Educate your children at better schools, make sure your family live in better areas, drive in the best cars, live in the best houses,” said Erdogan.

“Have five children, not three. You are Europe’s future.”

“This is the best answer to the rudeness shown to you, the enmity, the wrongs,” he said in a televised speech in Eskisehir, a city south of Istanbul.

Some 2.5 million Turkish citizens resident in Europe are eligible to vote in elections in their homeland. But millions more people living in EU states have Turkish origins.

No other country would tolerate these attempts to colonize their nation by a foreign power, especially one as backwards as Turkey.

Imagine if there were millions of Dutch immigrants living in Turkey and these Dutch immigrants were getting funding from the Dutch government to build Christian churches which preached rebellious insurrection against the Turkish state and culture.

That would never happen because these poo-skins are not weak like we are…. they understand how this racial game is played, and most of our people don’t.

Goat-fucking Turks have no place in Europe and should be told to go home immediately.

Erdogan is literally a goat-rapist.

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