Canadian Pro-White Group Files Hate Speech Complaint Against Anti-White CBC

The CBC, Canada’s largest public broadcaster, is a fountain of anti-white propaganda.

Canada’s hate speech laws have been used exclusively by marxists and Jews to silence pro-white voices.

Now, a pro-white group called Students for Western Civilization is using the enemy’s tools against it by filing a hate speech complaint against the CBC for publishing an explicitly anti-white article by some Dindu.

That article charges that “all white people” are racist, that we must “recognize and admit” our power and privilege, and shut up and listen to dindus lecture us about all this nonsense. Literally.

It also says that it’s impossible for non-whites to be racist against whites.

This is classic Cultural Marxist stuff here, straight from the textbook.

This is the situation we whites find ourselves in where the official public broadcasters of white countries publish hate-filled articles bashing white people, telling us we’re all racist, and to shut up and listen to low-IQ dindus as they shit on us, on our history, on our culture and tell us to give them all of our resources to atone for colonialism.

This is serious, folks.

We’re at the breaking point where all of our leading institutions have betrayed us and have been taken over by genocidal neo-marxists hellbent on exterminating us.

This is the stupid Dindu Bigot who wrote that article.

Her name’s Sandra Inutiq and she’s a hideous drum-beating shebeast from one of Canada’s alcohol-addicted Indian tribes.

One thought on “Canadian Pro-White Group Files Hate Speech Complaint Against Anti-White CBC

  1. I do not merely recognize–I celebrate my privilege and power throughout the day, every day, and love and honor my NOBLE WHITE FOREBEARS for establishing through military conquest a GLOBAL EUROPEAN HEGEMONY, OF WHICH I AM AND WILL REMAIN A PROUD AND GRATEFUL BENEFICIARY.

    To anyone who doesn’t like it I say FUCK YOURSELF.

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