Savage-Face Feminist Shebeast Wants Society to Abolish the Family

Yeah, one look at this fat dyke and you understand why she says the things she says.

The article is so long and dangerously boring that I won’t even quote it.

That photo is all you need to know about this demented satanic shedevil: she’s a fat slob with a flat chest.

No man wants to have sex with her so she’s on a crusade to convince society to abolish the family unit as revenge for her inability to attract a man.

Everything is about revenge with these psychotic feminists. They are playing out some delirious revenge fantasy because no boy or man ever felt any attraction for them because they’re so rancorously ugly.

Yeah, fatty, sit there and meditate about how fat and unbearable you are while the rest of us laugh at you.

Dumb bitch.

This is what happens to all white women who go to college, folks. They get brainwashed by Marxist Jews to become seething, hate-filled well-poisoners crusading through life on a path of chaotic self-destruction.

This is why women need to be married off when they’re young (let’s say 18). This is why only exceptionally smart women should be allowed into university.

All of the “social sciences” that they gravitate to should be abolished and replaced by racial sciences teaching students the differences between the races and the true filthy nature of the Jew.

When you give women like Sophie Lewis the choice to do what they please, they invariably begin agitating for societal death because they are trying to manifest the evil that lies within them in the real world. They seek to make the hellish nightmares and whims of the female mind a reality by writing books called Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family and trying to convince other dingbat females that there is merit to the sulfuric ideas in that book.

These femdykes have so much time on their hands that they’re constantly cooking up kooky new theories designed to undermine all that is good and righteous. They are filled with so much hate and envy for normal people that they sit in their stuffy dorm rooms surrounded by geeky lesbians and write trash books advocating for the complete extermination of the human race.

This is why women need to get impregnated young and be continuously pregnant throughout her 20s so that she doesn’t even have time to think any political thoughts.

Otherwise all hell breaks loose.

One thought on “Savage-Face Feminist Shebeast Wants Society to Abolish the Family

  1. Modern feminists are simply nihilistic dead-ends. Hedonism and debauchery defines them. They are just about enemy number 1 for Western civilization.

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