Israel: Zionist Terror Leader Benjamin Netanyahu Announces Plan to Build More Homes in Settlements

Netanyahu won’t stop until the Jews have complete lebensraum to declare the Jewish world government.


Benjamin Netanyahu has announced he will move ahead with a highly controversial plan to build settlements east of Jerusalem, in an apparent offering to hardline nationalist voters less than a week before a general election.

Israel’s prime minister said he would reopen the long-dormant project to build 3,500 homes for Jewish settlers in one of the most sensitive areas of the occupied West Bank.

The blueprint for the 12 sq km (4.6 sq mile) site, named E1, was drafted in 1995 but has been repeatedly frozen by successive Israeli governments after strong international condemnation. It would expand the large settlement of Maale Adumim to in effect connect it with Jerusalem.

Palestinians and their global backers argue the plan would virtually cut the West Bank into two enclaves and completely encircle Palestinian neighbourhoods in the holy city. It has long been seen as an impassable barrier to any viable future Palestinian state. Upwards of 2,000 Bedouin people living in E1 could also be displaced.

“I have given instructions to immediately publish … the plan to build 3,500 housing units in E1,” Netanyahu said in a speech on Tuesday. “This had been delayed for six or seven years.”

On Monday, Israelis will vote in a Knesset election in which the rightwing leader – the longest-serving in the country’s history – hopes to emerge victorious with backing from settlers and their supporters.

Netanyahu is an arch-Jewish imperialist.

He wants to conquer significantly more territory so that more Jews can move to Israel and expand the size of the state.

He has been waging a demographic war with Arabs for decades.

Why is it that Netanyahu can declare another race a “demographic threat” to his race in an ethnostate designed to preserve his race, but whites who say this for our people are labeled “Nazis” by other members of Netanyahu’s accursed race?

I’ll answer that for you: this is because Jews have international financial and political power and are thus afforded special privilege to act triballistically while simultaneously working against whites who seek to preserve and protect our race.

This is all a glaring symptom of Jewish Global Supremacy.

I don’t actually care at all about these Arabs that Jews are victimizing… I’m just pointing out that these foul Jews can get away with murder and colonization while we whites can’t even state openly that we exist as a unique race without having some smarmy Jew bigot call us “white supremacists” and advocate for our imprisonment under Jewish hate speech laws.

0 thoughts on “Israel: Zionist Terror Leader Benjamin Netanyahu Announces Plan to Build More Homes in Settlements

  1. I do believe that this FOUL double standard does more than anything else to give goyim the impression that Jews aren’t flying straight…. One of 5 now–20%–believe in the old international Jewish conspiracy; and how many others are on their way there?

    Barbra Streisand thinks it’s unfathomably evil to stop Mexican scumbags–strangers–from violating U.S. sovereignty and immigration law, but loves Israel where hardworking Palestinian farmers have been dispossessed of their native haunts to make room for people with the CORRECT ethno-religious character, be they even criminals like Tarzan Fainberg…. BARF….

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