Islamic France: An Average of 120 Knife Attacks Per Day

Multiculturalism and mass Dindu immigration has worked wonders for France.

Voice of Europe:

New figures from the National Observatory of Delinquency and Criminal Responses (ONDRP) have revealed that on average, France sees as many as 120 knife attacks across the country every day.

As other forms of violent crimes surge around the country, ONDRP’s figures – sourced from a claim that between  2015 and 2017 there were about 44,000 victims of knife crime every year – come to an average of 120 per day, Le Figaro reports.

In France, an average of 118,000 people claimed to have been the victims of violent crime carried out by people they did not live with or know, with such as assaults occurring in public spaces like grocery stores, schools, and pubs, among other places.

Per the ONDRP’s figures, knives were the most common weapons to be reported in violent crimes, at 37 percent, followed by 34 percent who claimed they were attacked with stones or other kinds of blunt objects. Nine percent of respondents said they were attacked by firearms.

The dramatic uptick in violent crime is hardly limited to knife attacks. In fact, in the past 10 years, France has seen an explosion of homicides and homicide attempts. Since 2009, the number of murders and attempted murders has jumped from 1,767 to 3,168 in 2018.

France today is a paradise, folks.

120 knife attacks a day is a fantastic achievement for the Multicultural Experiment.

What could be better than that?

Today in France you have a 50/50 chance of being stabbed or robbed as you walk down the street in broad daylight.

Whoever manufactures special anti-stab clothing could make a killing with the market in France.

The diversity of the knives used in these attacks demonstrates the value of multiculturalism. Different types of kitchen knives, pocket knives, and other types of knives really underscores the wondrous benefits of a multi-racial rainbow society.

I mean, this is irrefutable proof that unlimited massive immigration from shithole countries makes us stronger, safer and freer.

If you doubt that you are a hate criminal and must be sentenced to life in prison for your heretical thoughts, bigot.

8 thoughts on “Islamic France: An Average of 120 Knife Attacks Per Day

  1. Most attacks occur within dindus communities. Though humans aren’t spared, obviously. It became particularly dangerous to wander in big towns.

  2. It certainly makes you wonder, what will be the outcome, when the French president DEMANDS that every brown and black skinned foreigner is required to be placed uniformly distributed throughout the entire French populace. Then, will they finally realized the error of the ways and send the French president to the guillotine for his most richly deserved reward?

    1. I’m French, and the anger is growing quite fast, much like everywhere else in the “white world” (or rather, what remains of the “white world”). During the next elections, Le Pen will certainly be elected, although she’s an utter Zionist shill much like the current POTUS. She might hit hard on the mudslime community, but will do everything in her powers to satisfy Israel’s demands. So there’s still a long road before a true white nationalist movement emerges in the country.

      1. Angry Frenchy,
        I actually heard that about Le Pen ; but you’re the first person that’s actually ever verified that. Do you know any reason why she has any Zionist loyalties ? Is it because she hopes to extract some bribes or hopes to leverage Jewish power in some fashion ? It certainly is disturbing that we can’t seem to find anybody who wants to lead who doesn’t have some attachment in one way or another to Jerusalem…

        1. “Is it because she hopes to extract some bribes or hopes to leverage Jewish power in some fashion?”
          You said it. The fact is, there are some Jewish personalities who partially oppose Jerusalem’s agenda to destroy the White race and even acknowledge the Great Replacement, such as Zemmour who publicly supports Le Pen and a known “islamophobe”. However, they do support Israel, because, in order to ascend politically in our crooked system, one must support Israel’s interests one way or another since the Jewry won the WW2. Le Pen’s program, which lies within the limits of our (((Constitution))), is largely insufficient to fight the hordes of invaders and will be used to fight dissents of the Jewry. However, since fighting the Great Replacement goes against the Kalergi Plan, she’s much more likely to conduct the politics of Trump, which consists of saying everything but doing nothing.

          1. Angry Frenchy,
            Is there anyone – anyone out there in France who is a French white individual and who is completely against the Jew and all his power and against ALL the nonwhites who are now invading and taking over your country of France, screwing your women, and making nonwhite babies to replace the French people ?? A true French national who will stand up for the people of France and THEIR country?

            Or has it come down to what it is so many countries, both here and in Europe that if you dare to speak up, you will be fined and face prison time?
            Because if it has finally come down to that I would think to say that probably Europe and the European man has finally been completely lost to the world of Jewish power.

            1. I think many people think like us but are too afraid to voice their opinion publicly. For the moment, all hope isn’t lost, but we have less than fifty-twenty years before we cross the point of no return.

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