Portugal: Based MP Tells Aggressive Droopy-Eyed Negress to ‘Go Back’ to Africa



Portugal’s only far-right deputy sparked outrage Wednesday after saying a black member of parliament should be “sent back to her country of origin”.

Daily newspaper Publico denounced Andre Ventura’s comments as “abject” in its editorial, after his attack on Joacine Katar Moreira, of the left-wing Livre (Free) party. Left-wing deputies have condemned his comments.

Katar Moreira, who was born in Guinea Bissau, west Africa, had introduced a bill Tuesday calling for Lisbon to return works of art from Portugal’s former colonies to their countries of origin.

She suggested the authorities draw up a list of works of art that Portugal should hand back.

Ventura, leader of the far-right party Chega (Enough), hit back on Facebook, writing: “I propose that the deputy Joacine is herself sent back to her country of origin. It would be a lot better for everyone.”

Moreira is the Livre party’s only deputy, and on Tuesday they denounced “constant personal attacks of a racist nature” against her.

Indeed, the white-hating negress needs to ‘go back’ to the African dunghole she came from instead of harassing white Portuguese people with stupid bullshit.

From what I understand, Portugal is being rapidly colonized by Dindus from Portugal’s former African colonies.

And there is only one guy in the current parliament who opposes the slow-motion genocide of the Portuguese people by sub-saharan savages.


12 thoughts on “Portugal: Based MP Tells Aggressive Droopy-Eyed Negress to ‘Go Back’ to Africa

  1. You guys lost a good opportunity to avoid making fools of yourselves, commenting on a dark photo.

    This is the guy: https://partidochega.pt/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/686930.jpg

    And he looks whiter to me than you do, Martinez.

    We all know what southern europe is and was. In the case of Portugal, being surrounded by sea and an enemy (Spain) didn’t help. So that study saying impoverished conditions were due to negroes everywhere… well, I am not so old and I still remember when seeing a negro in Portugal was rare.

    If you want to start DNA purity tests now… the damage has been done for too long. It has to stop somewhere and the mediterranean is the frontline of the homeland.

    1. This is the guy: https://partidochega.pt/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/686930.jpg

      He looks like a dark-med type.

      And he looks whiter to me than you do, Martinez.

      You need to get your eyes checked, big guy. Here’s a pic of me next to a Turk.

      I’m the whitest looking dude out there (pale skin tone, light hazel eyes, brown hair). Nobody in my life ever questioned my “whiteness” in person, only tards on the net who (if they’re not trolling) associate Spanish surnames with non-white Hispanics. In fact, growing up in Canada people would often question my Spanishness, as most Canadians hold the erroneous belief that Spaniards are equivalent to dark-skinned Mexicans, so they thought I was too white to be Spanish. My DNA reading came back 60% Iberian/Basque, 10% British/Irish and 30% Eastern Europe. No admixture from outside Europe.

      1. Brandon made an interesting point here that I would like to comment on. There is a myth among White North Americans that Spaniards are very much like the Mexican scum that has been invading the US for a long time. This idea has been reinforced by the incorrect use of the word “Hispanic” applied to these mongrels. The only thing that is Hispanic about them is the language.

        There is also another myth/lie. According to this, the Spaniards miscegenated with the Arabs during the seven centuries of Muslim occupation. This is false on to accounts. 1= In those days, people had a powerful racial identity and pride and would not dream of having sex with aliens.
        2= The racial divide coincided with the religious one. The Arab was not only the enemy of my people but also of my faith.

        I have never been to Portugal, so I cannot give an authorized opinion, but I would not be surprised if the vast majority of the Portuguese are as white as most Spaniards. Another proof of the overwhelming White/Aryan nature of the Spanish people can be found in Spanish art, particularly 17th = 19th-century paintings.

        For the record I am Italian, and this misconception has also been applied to my people. Until recently, most Anglo-Saxons believed in the false stereotype that presents us, like the Spaniards, like short, dark-skinned people with dark brown eyes and black hair. I am nearly six-foot-tall, have brown hair, green eyes and I am as white as you can be. Anyone who has been to Italy can confirm that most Italians are very much like that.

          1. Does it matter?

            My parents are both Italians, but I was born in Argentina.

            Argentina’s population is nearly 75% European, out of that Italians made up 50% of it.

            1. I know. A lot of Argentinian people here.
              Got an Argentinian GF 20 years ago living in Madrid. Italian surname.

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