Russian Sailors Jailed in Greece for Trafficking Migrants

But… but I thought Based Russia was a White National Ethnostate who wants to help all white people take back their countries from the hordes?

Moscow Times:

Two Russian sailors have been sentenced to a combined 395 years in prison in Greece for trafficking migrants, the RBC news website reported Friday.

The sailors claim that they were initially hired to tow yachts and then received threats when they objected to trafficking people, human rights activist Ivan Melnikov told RBC. Interfax identifiedthem as Alexander Illarionov and Andrei Zhuravlyov.

A Greek court found the two Russian sailors guilty of organizing illegal migration, said Melnikov, the vice president of the International Human Rights Defense Committee’s Russian branch.

The sailors were detained in November 2019 after hitting a storm and making a mayday call. They are among 14 Russian sailors detained in Greece that month, according to Interfax.

Two other Russian sailors have also been jailed for 395 years on trafficking charges in Greece, Interfax reported without specifying their names or when the verdict was handed down. A Nov. 14 report identified these two other sailors by their last names Malenkov and Belenko.

Melnikov told RBC that Russian sailors take on jobs that they later discover to involve human trafficking out of financial hardship or a need to provide for sick relatives.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry estimated in November that Greece was holding 24 Russian sailors in custody. It added that Italy, another migrant trafficking destination, held 23 Russian sailors.

So some Russians are making a profit trafficking migrants into Europe.

Based and Red-Pilled.

When will the talking heads in the alt-right start highlighting stories like this?

Why must they hide this information?

They must hide it because they’ve been dead wrong for the past 10 years promoting the rancid lie that Putin and Russia is the last hope of the white race.

By acknowledging stories like this, they would have to admit that they were mistaken this whole time and were feeding false information to their audiences.

Instead of admitting their mistake and changing course, they will just ignore anything negative about Russia to save face.

Or they’re being paid by Russia to ignore it.

One thought on “Russian Sailors Jailed in Greece for Trafficking Migrants

  1. I don’t think they were doing this based on some liberal ideology, that’s only a mask! They probably just opportunists wanting to earn some illegal trafficking money!

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