This is What Your Average Woman Gets Up to These Days

I’ve said it many times before that your average modern female is the equivalent of a heroin addict but with social media.

The Mirror:

A social media influencer has been praised for sharing a candid photo revealing how she put on two stone in the space of two years.

Ashley Kehoe, from Dublin, Ireland, took to Instagram to compare before and after shots of her wearing a similar outfit, but displaying a fuller figure. 

Her 91,000 Instagram followers have praised the Irish blogger for her honesty and say the snaps inspire other women to be positive about their body. 

One follower wrote: “And this is why I follow you and your sisters because you always show such body positive posts and speak so plainly how you have overcome weight worries.”

Instagram is like crack cocaine for females.

Your typical female today is dangerously addicted to online sexual attention. It makes them tick. Without it, they nosedive into suicidal depression.

This is the type of classy stuff that e-harlots like Ashley Kehoe post on Instagram to make thirsty incels horny.

This is wretched smut, folks.

Posting semi-nude photos to Instagram is how the modern femoid gets her crack fix. Without the validation she receives from the comments on these photos, her life is meaningless. She would probably find herself homeless in some skid row-type crack alley foraging for needles in a dumpster.

Like this filthy former porn actress now living in some underground basin in Vegas:

Women today have no practical skills, which is why so many of them have decided to get into degrading Jew-run industries like porn and Instagram e-harlotry. All they got are their silicone tits, pruned up asses and plastic makeup-and-botox-laden faces. They are nothing more than sex dolls.

And yet, despite all this deliberate slut-mad harlotry on their part, these are the same types of trashy women who cheer for feminism. They shout and moan about how they don’t want to be sexualized by men and seen as sex objects, yet they dress like cheap Romanian hookers and post photos of themselves wearing almost no clothing on social media on a daily basis.

They just want to be respected as the equals of men…. while wearing hooker outfits and posting it online.

But this is how the Jew has trained and programmed the modern woman to pursue her worst instincts, making her into an impotent, infertile, emotional train wreck with no purpose or direction in life besides contracting AIDS from one of her African ape lovers that she fucked doggy-style in the nasty piss-drenched bathroom stall of a nightclub.

2 thoughts on “This is What Your Average Woman Gets Up to These Days

  1. That Jenny Lee girl maybe took some bad decisions. But, by watching her, anyone can notice she is a natural Stoic. She has discoverd a deep truth as a homeless. She is strong. she will be OK. Hope the best for her,

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