Trump Deploys ICE for Wetback Roundup in Sanctuary Cities

A bit of good news from Trumpland.

Fox News:

The Trump administration is deploying border patrol agents to sanctuary jurisdictionsacross the U.S. to help Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) track down and detain illegal immigrants freed by left-wing cities and states.

The New York Times reported Friday the administration is sending 100 specially trained officers to work with ICE from February to May. Among the agents are members of an elite unit known as BORTAC — which the Times describes as the SWAT team of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Such agents have gear like stun grenades and typically conduct high-risk operations targeting individuals known to be violent and those with significant criminal records, the Times reported. ICE primarily focuses on illegal immigrants with criminal records, but will not rule out detaining others as “collateral” arrests.

In a statement Friday, the CBP said the crisis at the border led to an increase in so-called non-detained cases — 3.2 million in fiscal year 2019, up from 2.6 million in FY2018. ICE struggled to keep up, particularly as more jurisdictions implemented the controversial sanctuary policies.

“With 5,300 [Enforcement and Removal Operations] law enforcement officers – some of whom were detailed to the border – ICE does not have sufficient resources to effectively manage the sustained increase in non-detained cases which is exacerbated by the rise of sanctuary jurisdictions,” the statement said.

On the issue of illegal immigration Trump is good, and is infinitely better than his opposition within the Republican party and the Radical Marxist Democrats who want open borders.

With Trump in office, white nationalism will continue to get a boost.

Many white nationalists rode Trump’s momentum to gain national media coverage.

We need to continue to harness that energy to insert our pro-white messages into the public debate.

Trump is a stepping-stone towards something better, something more principled and strident on the issues that matter most for white people.

Another Trump presidency could make room for more explicit white nationalists to move into national politics somewhere down the line. We need to get our ideas heard on a larger scale.

The left is going to lose its shit if Trump wins again in 2020. It will set off wide-scale leftist mobs who will riot and incite entropy. That too is good for us. Our job is to further exacerbate these divides in Western societies, both political and racial, to show that this multiracial experiment is doomed to failure, doomed to break down into civil strife along racial and political lines.

Trump serves this purpose excellently with his charged rhetoric against the left and against illegal immigration. He brings out the worst in our leftist enemies who show their true satanic colors in opposing even his milquetoast civic nationalist policies with such manic revolutionary zeal.

0 thoughts on “Trump Deploys ICE for Wetback Roundup in Sanctuary Cities

  1. It’s about time. This out of control illegal immigration has got to stop! Secure the border and deport all of the illegals enough of tax payer money going to illegals who contribute nothing to the country! This has nothing to do with hate it’s about common sense as no other country in the world puts up with this kind of stuff so why should the U.S.? It’s not fair to Americans. One way to cut off the magnet is to create a new federal law for all immigrants no matter where they come from, the first 5 years no welfare benefits at all and you’ll see how quick the interest of the free loader immigrants drops, also no welfare, no foodstamps, no medicaid for any illegal immigrants at all. These programs are for Americans who sincerely need the help because they aren’t able to help themselves. Get active and send free messages to congress to put a stop to this.

  2. I knew there was something for which I worked for the Republicans in the 2018 mid-terms, only with shoring up Trump in mind, his rhetoric having made me think he might do some good.

    But after it appeared that the wall wasn’t being built, that the invaders weren’t being rounded up in big concerted ICE raids (as we were being told to expect), that social-media dismantling of the First Amendment wasn’t being dealt with–only deplored–and that Trump had abandoned America-first for Israel-first, I said to myself, “Well, I thought he might well turn out to be a mirage, so no surprise.”

    I wandered away, thinking I probably wouldn’t even vote. Every day without fail I’ve gotten Trump Campaign emails in all three inboxes, all of them asking for money or volunteer work; and it’s been toward a year since I responded to any of them. Oh wait: I did respond once to say, “You don’t want my money: ask Adelson for more–after all, it’s Israel-first now, isn’t it?”

    My fear is that these ICE efforts are being done to win the election, after which little will be done. Then again, I have personal, eye-witness experience attesting that Trump hasn’t been a total mirage. I mentioned here last Fall that on my road trip back from California to Florida, on Interstate 10, every vehicle in a certain critical area past El Paso, Texas, was stopped and inspected by immigration police looking for illegals from nearby Mexico. I’d driven that stretch of road a great many times before, during different presidential administrations, and had NEVER seen the like; so unquestionably it was due to Trump.

    In any event, what Trump is doing with ICE now is what WILL get him reelected.

    Yes, the dirty, anti-White Left does figure to get rowdier after a Trump reelection, and that does figure to be advantageous as they’ll show more of their true colors by growing more extreme. Who knows–maybe it’ll even ignite that second Civil War that people have talked about since the rise of Trump. Such a conflict is probably needful, and I know which side I’ll be on.

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