Ultimate Virtue Signal: Jeremy Corbyn Goes to Chinatown & Eats Bat Soup to Oppose “Racism”

Now that Jeremy Corbyn is finished in politics after his Anal Sex platform failed to win much support in Britain, he’s now on a suicide mission to contract the coronavirus in the name of “fighting racism” against Chinks.

Eat the bat soup, bigot!

Now that’s what I call social justice dedication, nigga.

Throwing yourself in the lion’s den in the name of “opposing prejudice” against rat and bat-eating chinks who carry around deadly viruses that cause global pandemics.

These nasty chinks would eat their own shit if they got hungry enough.

Actually, in China 10% of the cooking oil is made partially from human sewage; they call it gutter oil.

Yum yum.

So chinks really do consume their own shit and piss on a massive scale.

And we wonder why this particular nation is leading the charge in pollution and viral outbreaks throughout the world?

Chinese people are like factory-built robots; they literally don’t even have feelings or emotions, they just work and consume. They barely even speak unless they absolutely have to.

But kudos to Corbyn for opposing stereotypes by contracting a lethal virus that will likely kill him.

Good riddance.

5 thoughts on “Ultimate Virtue Signal: Jeremy Corbyn Goes to Chinatown & Eats Bat Soup to Oppose “Racism”

  1. Now let’s hope all leftists, race-traitors, and Putin-lovers could go to China to eat bat soup seasoned with chinks’ shit so they’ll die of the disease.

  2. Gross chinks. What’s worse is that these androids are messing around with virii in bio labd that could wipe out billions of people and destroy civilization.

    We shouldn’t even be fucking around with this stuff in the West but what do these crazy Chinks do? They build a bio lab in the middle of a crowded city of 11 million people. Great fucking idea guys!

    What we need is a worldwide ban on the development of deadly pathogens but it seems like the jews have done a great job dumbing us all down and placating us to the point where we can’t stop major threats to our existence. Thanks jews!

  3. So let me get this straight. Chinks eat live rodents insects and bat’s they brutally torture to death by boiling and skinning cats, dogs and pigs before eating them. They eat their own piss and shit ,they eat aborted fetuses. They are communists who operate brutal gulags where they harvest the organs of minorities. They are responsible for most of the worlds diseases outside Africa. They are one of the largest polluters in the world.

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