Yoram Hazony is a Subversive Jew Power Broker Trying to Co-opt Conservatism & Nationalism

So there’s this guy, Yoram Hazony, a filthy scheming Israeli Jew who wrote The Virtue of Nationalism and is trying to take over the Western populist movement and inundate it with pro-Jew, Israel First scuttlebutt.

This is the standard modus operandi of the Eternal Jew, folks.

They insert themselves as the harbingers of a political movement and misdirect it squarely into what best serves them and their heinous goal of Hebraic world domination.

By telling the world that they’re nationalists and conservatives, these Jews are pretending that they’re our friends, that they just want what we want, a national state.

But the truth is that beguiling Jews like Hazony work chiefly as gatekeepers and disinformation operators to confuse Western nationalists and conservatives about the true nature of the Jewish race and its motives.

As most of you who read this website already know, the Eternal Jew pursues a dualist political program; one of hyper-nationalism and ethnocentrism for their own race in Israel and another of hyper-leftism in the West, backing open borders, fag rights, feminism and anything else inimical to the white race.

Hazony, for his part, will divert any suspicion away from Jews and focalize opprobrium onto leftists generally, or moslems. Surely, leftists and moslems deserve our strongest ire, but they are mere symptoms of a larger Jewish globalist program to undermine the white race.

Hazony and other fake conservative Jews will do everything in their power to obfuscate the truth of Jewish subversion, to draw attention away from the leading Jewish role in the imposition of multiculturalism, mass immigration, and all forms of Cultural Marxist poison that infect the West today.

What, for instance, does Hazony say about people like George Soros and other kleptocratic oligarchs leading the globalist effort? He will tell you that Soros is not really a Jew, and that he does what he does because he’s a secular liberal.

Wrong, Jew. Soros does what he does because he’s a Jew and is pursuing Jewish cultural and racial warfare against whites due to ideas programmed into him from birth by Judaism and its culture.

New York Times:

When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex [Soros] told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”

According to his own son Alex, George Soros is inclined to do what he does – that being destroy white nations through immigration, feminism and anal sex campaigns – because he is a Hateful Supremacist Jew who wants to make the world safe for Jews to dominate and destroy their competition, especially white people.

And what of Noel Ignatiev, the leading Jew-Marxist intellectual behind “white privilege” nonsense? And of Barbara Spectre? Bari Weiss? Tim Wise? What of all the leading Jew organizations who back open borders? What of Israel itself which sends teams of Jews to Europe to facilitate the refugee invasion.

You will get total silence from Hazony, or he will deflect, and try to assure us that it’s not Judaism to blame but secularism, liberalism, etc.

This is how the Eternal Jew tricks the goyim time and again.

Don’t fall for it.

With Jews, you lose.

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