Argentina: First Ever Deviant Transsexual News Anchor Appears on TV Screens

Congratulations Argentina, you’re officially the most pozzed country in South America.

Pink News:

Argentina just reached a major milestone for equality with its first ever transgender news anchor Diana Zurco.

This week, the 40-year-old journalist became co-anchor for the primetime news programme Televisión Pública, on the national public broadcasting station.

She hopes her visible presence on TV screens across Argentina will serve as vital representation in a country where the average life expectancy of trans people is just 41 years, roughly half that of the general population.

“My presence challenges society,” she told The Associated Press in an interview.

“It is an invitation to society that says: ‘This is me; behind me there are more people like me who want to express themselves. We are capable, we can study, we can train ourselves, we can communicate to you what is happening in our country.’”

Rosario Lufrano, president of Radio and Television Argentina, said that it was Zurco’s professionalism that secured her the job.

Give me a break.

This deviant cross-dresser got the job solely because he represents a deviant minority group that nobody likes.

Marxists are committed to forcing everybody to look at hideous beasts on their television screens.

Nobody likes trannies. Trannies don’t even like themselves which is why their suicide rate is so high. They’re mentally ill degenerates and putting one on television should be illegal.

For some reason Argentina is leading Latin America in supplicating to the wicked dyke and transsexual agendas.

Perhaps because it is one of the most white countries in South America. For some reason that I can’t explain, white people are highly susceptible to being influenced by perverse lifestyles, fetishes and smut. Perhaps there is a liberal gene in white people that opens them up to the invasion of these hostile satanic ideologies.

I really don’t know why, but white countries seem to be the most afflicted by leftist demon initiatives like putting homosexual men dressed like women on television.

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