The Criminal ADL is Begging the US Government for a Handout

It’s high time to break out your wallets, goyim.

The sinister Jewish communist organization Anti-Defamation League is in need of your shekels!

In this time of chaos and global pandemic, the ADL is demanding that the US government give them YOUR tax money so they can smear you as anti-Semites, white supremacists and terrorists.

The insurmountable greed of the Jew never dissipates.

Why don’t these Heebs ask their rich brethren to fund their criminal defamation machine? Why don’t Israeli taxpayers foot the bill?

The ADL is a foreign espionage group that works for Israel and the international Jewish conspiracy. It’s an anti-American, anti-white hate group that pays employees to defame white people who don’t want to see their country over-run by sub-saharan beasts.

At the same time, it stands fully behind Jewish racial apartheid in Israel.

ADL has always been a strong voice for Israel. Since its birth in 1948, the Jewish homeland has faced consistent threats and challenges to its security and legitimacy from both hostile neighbors and from anti-Israel voices across the international community. ADL remains an unwavering supporter of Israel, advocating for a secure and stable democratic Jewish state. We educate and inform about the important security, diplomatic and societal issues confronting Israel.

Israel is a country that defines itself as an ethnostate and whose leaders routinely incite against minority groups there. The official policy of the Israeli government is to arrest and deport all non-Jewish asylum seekers entering its territory, and Israeli lawmakers have publicly excoriated them as “infiltrators”, a “cancer” and a threat to the Jewish nature of Israel.

The world only has so much tolerance for this kind of rank hypocrisy and double-dealing. If the Jews continue pushing these insane double standards – lobbying for open borders in the West and closed borders in Israel – then don’t be surprised when a gunman walks into a synagogue looking for Jews.

One thought on “The Criminal ADL is Begging the US Government for a Handout

  1. one way to displace the jewish lobby would be to weaponize the irish and german influences, the potential is immense

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