Based White Man Trolls Jew Fiend Bernie Sanders With Nazi Flag At Rally

This guy is a Based Hero.

Apparently, this guy has been trolling our enemies on the regular.

This guy is a hilarious pro-white troll and is very good at what he does.


We need more white men like Robert Sterkeson telling the full truth in a hilarious way to the zombified masses of white people who think that a white-hating Jew Communist called Bernie Sanders will actually help them and make their lives better.

The ugly truth is that Bernie Sanders descends from a long line as wretched eagle-beaked Heebs who have made it their religious mission to exterminate white people from the planet. They pursue this devilish mission on the basis that Jewish usurers were ejected from various European societies historically for abusing local people with predatory loaning practices. Sanders and his tribe thus carry a visceral ethnic hatred of white people in their DNA and will not stop until every last white person is nothing but a memory.

Brave white men like Robert Sterkeson have had enough of this Jewish ass-rape and are showing the enemy that we mean business by trolling them with Nazi flags.

Hail Sterkeson!

6 thoughts on “Based White Man Trolls Jew Fiend Bernie Sanders With Nazi Flag At Rally

  1. Sanders is NOT a Jew! He renounced his religion and Israel a long time ago. Now the commie is a Jew ONLY when it`s convenient for him to be one, like when he courts the so-called Jewish vote. This scumbag would sell his own people down the river if there was something in it for him. He also uses his ‘Jewishness’ as a firewall to claim anti-Semetism if anybody criticize his sincerity to religion.

    1. It’s pretty obvious that this guy Robert Sterkeson is somebody that we need far more of to effectively put out the message that not everybody agrees with the liberal media and it’s send ko fence.
      Perhaps we’ll see more individuals like those who went to the Bernie Sanders rally and who stood up to all the liberal s*** **** who everybody thanks represents the masses.

  2. Excellent .I believe we should all embrace the swastika ,no more optics cucking its just a sign of weakness and achieves nothing. We are going to be labeled Nazis one way or another and there is no better way to say fuck you to the system than openly praising Hitler and flying his flag. The more hysterically the system responds to it , the more a symbol of rebellion it will be seen by the youth.

  3. To the left anyone right of Trostky is a Nazi. The ignorant who vote for Sanders will be feasting on a rotten carcass in years to come. They have been raised on participation trophies. Antifa cellar dwellers who occasionally leave home with their masks on so no one notices them- what oxygen thieving scum they are. They will get a nasty shock. Freebies and pampering their hurt emotions is all that matters to them.

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