Even Steven Spielberg’s Holohoax Organization Thinks Anti-German “Hunters” Show is Over-the-Top Goy Hate

When even Steven Spielberg’s Holohoax organization denounces an anti-German television show as over-the-top goy hate, you know it’s bad.

Times of Israel:

Scholar Stephen Smith says TV series blurs line between victims and perpetrators because survivors ‘sought justice, not revenge’

The director of the Holocaust foundation founded by Steven Spielberg has called on Amazon Prime to not produce a second season of “Hunters,” its fictional show about a crew of Nazi hunters in 1970s America.

“Survivors of the Shoah sought justice, not revenge,” renowned Holocaust scholar Stephen Smith wrote in an op-ed published Thursday by the Jewish Journal. Smith heads the USC Shoah Foundation Institute, the archive of survivor testimonies initiated by Spielberg in 1994.

By blurring the difference, Smith wrote, the show “collapses all meaningful differences between victim and perpetrator.”

Smith cited one scene in the pilot in which the vigilante avengers gas a former Nazi chemist in her shower.

“Jews never gassed Nazis. Period. That I must even make this point is proof enough how perilous this slippery slope can become,” Smith wrote. “Amazon must not renew it for a second season.

“By blurring the line between fact and fiction, Hunters muddies the historical record, disrespects those who perished, and provides ammunition to those who seek to deny the truth of the Holocaust,” he wrote.

Gassing Germans in showers is a good look for Jews.

This is weird because Spielberg is no stranger to Jewish revenge porn. In 2005, he released a film called Munich which depicted Israeli Mossad agents going around assassinating Arabs who they believed were involved in the 1972 Munich Massacre of Israeli athletes.

The Israelis didn’t really care if the Palestinians they were assassinating were actually involved in the Munich incident or not. They just wanted to ritualistically murder some Arabs to make themselves feel better. Of course, long prior to the Munich attack the Israelis had been butchering up these Palestinians, demolishing their homes, and appropriating their land. But none of that matters in the minds of megalomaniacal Jews who believe that Yahweh gave them permission to kill and enslave all goyim.

The despicable “Hunters” show is just another demonstration of the vindictive hate-filled principles of the Jewish religion and mentality. Judaism is a religion of hate, of terror inflicted on disobedient goyim. All kinds of sadism are permitted in Judaism, so long as the victims are inferior goyim and not god’s chosen Jews.

3 thoughts on “Even Steven Spielberg’s Holohoax Organization Thinks Anti-German “Hunters” Show is Over-the-Top Goy Hate

  1. “By blurring the line between fact and fiction, Hunters muddies the historical record, disrespects those who perished, and provides ammunition to those who seek to deny the truth of the Holocaust,” he wrote.

    GOOD ! GOOD !

    Jewish revenge porn.

  2. El Holocuento es un cuento, ¿cómo se puede gasear a 6 millones de parásitos en “cámaras de gas” hechas con puertas de madera?

  3. I think some of the older Jews are beginning to smell another Pogrom in the wind and are getting nervous .

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