The Self-Destructive Nihilism of Pro-Choicers

By Philippe Armstrong

The resolutions and the modus operandi of the pro choicers roll on. They ignore science, ultrasounds, and the biology. The resolutions are to harden their position and never change their mind. They continue with the ad-hominem attacks-bigots, males do not have a say, misogynists, the patriarchy, male conservatives, Christian zealots. They make sure they tear down any image that shows what we all know-that the unborn are actually babies. The pictures of a butchered fetus really make them go nuts. They call it oppression and hatred. 

They use very rare cases like rape and incest to speak for all abortions. They like emotional appeals like too young, poor, not ready to be a parent. Then they keep saying healthcare.  Healthcare for whom? They never say they want a right to a dead baby of course, even though that is what it is. Pro-choicers speak about privacy and safety. Women will be threatened if they cannot kill their offspring. They mention back alleys and unsafe. A lot of murders and rapes happen in back-alleys so perhaps it is time to bring that into the open and provide safety for that, too? Pro-choicers rave about privacy when inviting ISIS with labcoats to invade their privates with suction machines and clamps or other tools. 

The pro-choicers make sure they never hear about the details. Ignore the details. Never let anyone tell you what will happen or show you afterwards what the result was. I mean, that is too traumatic and a difficult choice. If it is healthcare, why is it a difficult choice? If it is healthcare, why are they so livid when they see a baby in utero or a dead one? They never actually want to see what the choice is, but think it is empowering and so right for women. 

To the pro-choicers. Isn’t it time to legalise post-birth abortions? After all, a year old fetus is only potential life. And what if parenting is not for you? Maybe you are not ready? Maybe the baby has developmental problems? You decide and choose, right? You decide under what circumstances and what time is right? It is going to happen anyway so why not make it safe? 

One thought on “The Self-Destructive Nihilism of Pro-Choicers

  1. I never understood the moral difference between a pre birth abortion and a hypothetical post birth abortion or why an adult abortion of the mentally retarded would be considered more immoral than the pre birth abortion of a mentally retarded child. Personally i’m not against abortion I think it serves a positive eugenic purpose together with sterilization besides most women who chose to abort their children are POCs or single mothers. I doubt too many traditional conservative families will be having them and the last thing we want is for a bunch of blue haired feminist dykes to be replicating themselves.

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