FACT: Dating Modern Women is an Excruciating Chore

Look at these videos of this guy trying to get “dating” advice and tips from Dr. Phil and some ditzy skanks.

Penis head Dr. Phil’s advice to this poor sucker is to essentially be a doormat. He is told to “let her talk” and babble about herself while he just sits there and listens to her bullshit. Of course, any conversation topic that isn’t completely trivial and asinine must be avoided for fear of “offending” the sensitive, most likely libshit cunt sitting across from him. The whole thing is an exercise in supreme cuckoldry.

This whole dating process is absurd. Look at how unbalanced the situation is. You have these entitled whores who go on dates and are instantly meticulously judging the guy based on the tiniest superficial things, from how he’s dressed, to how he talks, to what he talks about, to his manners, ad infinitum. These kook-brained females are literally just pouring over every detail of the guy in order to square him up, to determine whether he’ll make a good doormat or not, whether he will simp his ass off to please her or not. Anything could go wrong at any time. If he doesn’t pass a gazillion shit tests then he doesn’t get a second date.

This is all comical and gay.

A man is walking on eggshells with these hyper-liberal cunt women. He’s not allowed to voice any opinion that may upset her, or else she will drop it. She has the total power over the situation. She decides where it goes, if it continues, or if it ends and when it will end. She gets to choose, and he’s just a hapless sucker waiting on her pathetic decision.

If these femcunts want to talk about “power dynamics,” then this is it right here. Women have an enormous power advantage when it comes to dating, relationships, and marriages. They run the show. Women choose, while men wait to either be chosen or rejected.

How is this anything but total emasculation? Women are stupid children. They make romantic decisions based on insipid whims and feelings that have no basis in logic or common sense. That’s why women love psychics, tarot reading and horoscopes… they’re all about kooky pie-in-the-sky feelings and signs. They are tedious self-absorbed retards, folks.

Dating is an excruciating chore. Most of these women are boring, bland, predictable, and worst of all, libshits who love nothing more than to virtue signal. Any real man who doesn’t bend to political correctness is immediately pegged by them as an outsider, an outcast, a leper who must be socially ostracized.

Fuck these whores. They’re both a waste of time and oxygen.

16 thoughts on “FACT: Dating Modern Women is an Excruciating Chore

      1. These women travel so much across Europe and thy talk about places, Some of them are single moms and talk about their cildren. They talk as well about business plans starting a beauty salon. I remember one who told me about her house and life in a village close to town, and how the locals looked at her due to her looks, They talk a lot about sex, as well. Experinces in swinger clubs, party orgies in Marbella and such a things, i remember one told me she got pregnant due to one night stand, but she was religious an she was going to have the baby. And, believe it or not, about how much they enjoy their job and how terrible are the abolitionists and feminists. They love working in Spain because it is legal, not regulated, therefore no taxes, but they love to work as well in Germany as autonomous workers, paying taxes and being full legal with all the benefits of German Welfare State.
        Thy are good business women, and very nice, lack of pretentiousness and arrogance, ladies,

        1. The more feminized society becomes, the more popular prostitution will become. If white women are not putting out, men will turn to prostitutes and foreign skanks.

          It is sad and sordid, but this is the predicament Europe is in thanks to evil white feminist whores.

          remember one told me she got pregnant due to one night stand, but she was religious an she was going to have the baby.

          How “religious” could she be if she’s getting pregnant from one-night stands? Just a typical modern slut with fake morals.

  1. En el libro Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler dijo que la prostitución es un oprobio para la humanidad, que si los muchachos quieren tener relaciones sexuales que mejor se casen y tengan muchos hijos.

    El tener hijos, formar una familia, ayudar a tu pueblo, país y comunidad es más productivo que dedicarte a la prostitución o contratar servicios de una sexo servidora.

    Lean el libro “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle) es un gran libro.

    1. El problema de hoy es que pocas mujeres son normales que quieren una familia y hijos, o solo la quieren después de cumplir el 30 anos y después de follar a un montón de tíos. Quieren imitar a los hombres y entrar en las profesiones. También, una mujer atractiva hoy no follara a hombres no adinerados, o por lo menos no lo follara durante mucho tiempo. Los estándares de las mujeres han subido tanto debido al falso espejismo de la belleza femenina con técnicas avanzadas de maquillaje y filtros de belleza del movil. Estas mujeres modernas tienen una autoimagen alta de si mismas, y no aprecian a los hombres. Tienen el poder en la relación, convirtiendo a los hombres en manginas castrados y sometidos. Por eso, muchos hombres de hoy han ido en el camino MGTOW o contratan a prostitutas. Perseguir a las mujeres para conseguir pareja es una pesadilla hoy en europa. Probablemente es mas fácil en tu país, amigo, donde las mujeres no están tan adoctrinadas con el feminismo satanico.

      1. Mexican white women are very attractuve and I find Mexican accent very sweet. The problem about Mex Women is that if you are dating one, you, as a man, have to pay everything, same like with Russian women.


    2. Uncle Adolph was a very strict man, but, at the end of the day, he was tolerant regarding the hooker issue. Watch “Salon Kitty”.

    3. El Tio Adolfo no tuvo ni quiso nunca tener hijos, y siempre tuvo una concubina a su disposicion. Cundo llega la hora de tomar las armas para defender a la patria, como ahora podria hacerse en Grecia, si no fuera porque esta epidemia impide moverse, los padres de familia nunca estan disponibles. Son los hombres soteros y sin hijos los que luchan. Y los que se alistan como voluntarios. Los padres de familia cumplien una funcion “ganadera”, los solteros sin hijos cumplen una funcion guerrera. Las dos funciones son nexesarias.

  2. I am shocked to see Dr. Phil up on all this nonsense now a days. He used to never be like this at all, guess the SJWs got to him.

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