Jacinta Ardern: New Zealand Globalist Joins the Abortion Holocaust

By Philippe Armstrong

Jacinta Adern (New Zealand Prime Minister and leftist globalist) has joined in on the abortion holocaust calling it women’s rights and every other euphemistic term we have come to expect as she attempts liberalized abortion reform in New Zealand. She is such a lovely progressive and no doubt she will call it bravery and such a great right to butcher children in the womb. 

The fallacious reasoning of leftists is astounding. They look in horror at past and present events of abuses (the Gulags or Cambodian killing fields), yet call the biggest killing bonanza in history (abortion) as women’s rights. They call it healthcare, completely disregarding the unborn. Jacinta Adern plays the emotional appeal saying it is mentally challenging carrying a baby you do not want.

Well, thanks for confirming what it is all about-wantedness. I am sure being mentally hard is most comforting for the unborn who are ripped to bits for being on the wrong button of the timing calculator. It is simply an inconvenience and getting in ‘my’ way. It is done in private and in a clinic under euphemistic language so it is justifiable. The unborn are simply unhuman to her. Sound familiar? The truth is they do not care about anyone but themselves. They do not want to say they are selfish. Instead, they use clever terminology and euphemistic language. 

Nearly all abortions are performed as a result of inconvenient pregnancies. Pregnancy is not a disease or a tumor. Abortionists do it because the unborn cannot fight back and they win 100% of the time. If the baby could defend itself most abortionists would quit tomorrow. They do it for good money and because they win. 

The social justice warriors look down on past wrongs and present wrongs, but sit quietly looking the other way as children are slaughtered in the womb-decapitated, butchered or burnt for hours. They actually March proudly and cheerfully over abortion and have become much hardened. They say the unborn look like humans, but are fetuses, they are not fully developed, they are getting in the way of what I want.  Now de-humanisation is if someone is small, dependent and in the womb. The hatred never finished. The hatred is directed towards the smaller and dependents. The slope was always going to get steeper. Now infanticide is being called for. 

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