Finland’s Feminist All-Female Government Demands Greece Let in the Violent Dindu Hordes!

How dare these dildo-strapped dykes demand another country do what they want, instead of what it wants.

My theory that white women are inviting this invasion to satisfy some subconscious Islamic rape fantasy is being confirmed by the day.


Finland’s millennial feminist-led government faces a vote of no confidence after pledging to send personnel to the Greek border — to help migrants claim asylum.

34-year-old Green League politician Maria Ohisalo, who serves as Minister of the Interior under 34-year-old Social Democratic party leader Sanna Marin in a red-green left-wing coalition government, said Finland was following the common European Union line to “reject Turkey’s attempts to use people as political pawns” — but also said that the Greek government’s decision to suspend asylum applications was “wrong”.

The Greeks have been faced with huge pressure at their land border with Turkey, where thousands of migrants have massed, facilitated by transport provided by the Turkish authorities.

The migrants have been making violent sallies against Greek border forces for days, often under cover of tear gas fire on the Greek lines by Turkish personnel — although the Turks claim this has only been in response to the Greeks firing tear gas at them.

But despite going along with the official EU-mandated line of support for the Greek government and committing to “sending a four-guard unit to take part in a rapid border intervention operation” on the Greek border, according to public broadcaster Yle, the Finnish government has also denounced the Greek government’s decision to suspend asylum applications — and suggested any Finnish personnel on the ground will “try to support Greece” by receiving asylum seekers.

“The Finnish government’s position here is clear. When we secure our borders, we are abiding by international obligations. International obligations include [observing] the right to apply for asylum. This is one of the areas where we will try to support Greece,” said Maria Ohisalo.

This bullshit never ends. These libshit white women will not stop until all of Europe is overrun by stone-age Islamic goat-rapists who take them as infidel war booty.

This is what they want, what they crave.

These white women are destroying our culture, our race, our civilization, all because of some nymphomaniac sex fantasy involving brute, bearded mountain apes from Afghanistan.

These women need to be stopped, ASAP, or we all die.

4 thoughts on “Finland’s Feminist All-Female Government Demands Greece Let in the Violent Dindu Hordes!

  1. Of course, posh Nordic godless women they feel entlited to give orders to a poor Christian (very) Mediterranean country.
    Look at their faces: souless. They look like possessed bodies of “Invasion of the body snatchers”.

  2. Yeah it does white women are pro this stuff. It’s off the wall here in Canada. One propaganda pic of a crying brown child and the wahmen here will want to bring in every non white and then want to have brown children with them.

  3. Scandinavians are the most cucked. High taxes for common citizens, short prison terms in dorm settings for murderers, hate speech laws. The only based people in the civilized world left today are Americans, Japanese, Aussies, Mediterranean Europeans, and maybe the East Europeans if you can describe Eastern Europe as civilized.

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