Polish Politician: Jews Provoked Their Own Pogroms to Survive


Jewish News Syndicate:

Jews benefited from the murderous pogroms against them in Europe and became more powerful because of the violence, said a far-right Polish lawmaker.

Janusz Korwin-Mikke—a former lawmaker in the European Parliament and leading member of a coalition of far-right parties called Confederation, Liberty and Independence—was on a Polish television news program last week talking about coronavirus when he made the remarks.

He said a positive outcome to the outbreak is that it’s eliminating the weak through natural selection and improving the gene pool of the human race, according to The Jerusalem Post. He then tried to prove his theory by citing the pogroms against Jews.

“Jews are now powerful because they had pogroms,” he said. “As a result of pogroms, the strongest and the most gifted survived. This is a warning to anti-Semites: That is why Jews are powerful, because they had pogroms. There are even theories that rabbis deliberately provoke pogroms precisely so that Jews survive, and then there is natural selection.”

The theory that the rabbis provoked the progroms to prevent the Jews from assimilating and disappearing into the Gentile masses has been floating around for awhile.

It makes sense, doesn’t it?

The greatest fear of the rabbis was that the Jews would intermarry with non-Jews and lose their faith. What better way to solve that problem than to have Jews persecuted in some way, to bind them together as a people, keep them insular and clannish so they don’t intermarry with the goyim.

Now, that doesn’t mean we should love Jews and intermarry with them. We don’t want their neurotic and schizophrenic genetics, nor their big ugly eagle-beaks. To the contrary, they must be isolated in their own state and kept away from us.

The solution to the Jewish problem is more anti-Semitism to drive these beasts away from us.

3 thoughts on “Polish Politician: Jews Provoked Their Own Pogroms to Survive

  1. I love this man! Absolute straight forward shooter! Obviously he is very old so there is some disconnect but anyways…

  2. I heard Jewish elites did the same with the Holocaust, which wouldn’t surprise me. They would’ve had the means to flee before the camps were set up while their poorer and dumber kinsmen were left behind. Look at how the Jewish elite benefited from the effects of World War 2.

  3. It’s called “Play victim” strategy.
    But don’t get fooled by statements like this one. There wasn’t a “pogrom”, they didn’t become some selected superior gene designs with higher IQ and capable of destruction on a world level.
    These exagerrations are meant to scare the masses, to make jews look like vengeful overlords whom you pray to never anger.
    Mind my word: jews are a vindictive, sneaky, incapable of compassion tribe with disgusting rituals. Their religions are state-based, you become a jew if you convert and no other nation has merged it’s ethnical identity with it’s religion like them.
    They are not warriors – they rely on manipulation and defeat their enemies by back-stabbing. They lost 5 wars against arabs. They wiped Palestine from the map in 1947. I’ve lived in Syria when I was a little girl for several years, because of my father’s medical practice. Syrians hated Jews, not America. Hafes Assad resisted USA’s intrusive international policy for 20 years and I am at least glad his son is willing to stand for Iran, like the last man standing, I only pray for those 2 countries to uphold at least partially this centralised socio-economic monopolism that globalists sucked us all into.
    One last thing – my uncle’s wife is called Kim, they live in USA, but we got together in Syria back then. No one hated Kim, of course, Syrians always treated foreigners with a bit too much hospitality.
    Mass media shows how Arabs burn USA flag, but they rarely show the Jewish flag next to it burning. They don’t like America, because it’s run by Jews. That’s what Kurds told us, that’s what Arabs told us.
    Sorry I flooded your website with comments, but Jews make my blood boil! Disgusting tribe! I can’t believe people believe these lies about poor Jews being under Egyptian slavery thousands of years ago… Poor heebs! They just claimed Palestinian land – notice: where ancient civilizations were first formed and next to the Suez canal – and – BOOM! Holocaust! Auschwitz! Hitler – the antichrist! UN wipes out Palestine and now it’s a whole another country – Israel.
    Weren’t Jews percecuted by some Spanish king and queen several centuries ago? Can you imagine now more and more coming to Spain claiming it was their holly land from 3000 years ago and after several years UN giving them the whole country? Spain – gone. Now it’s Israel! Poor Jews! In those death camps! Just give them your country and every billìon they need already! What, are you against democracy? Do you support terrorists?
    The n-word is not niger. It’s nazi – the most hatred filled term you never wish to be called in modern society. But Jews are nothing if we don’t let them. So stop this fear and search the truth. When you find more and more their supposed control vanishes, because they use fear and spread anxiety and histeria through mass media. Just eliminate fear, I know it’s possible.

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