Germany’s Totalitarian Europhobic “Democracy” Banishes Patriotic Group, Raids Members’ Houses

The neo-marxist German state is showing its totalitarian Bolshevik hand, more so now than ever before.


Authorities conducted raids in 10 German states Thursday at premises linked to a group accused of pursuing a mix of anti-government and racist ideology.

Germany’s top security official, Horst Seehofer, issued a ban on United German Peoples and Tribes, the first time a group associated with the so-called Reichsbuerger movement has been proscribed.

Reichsbuerger, or Reich citizens, have similarities to the sovereign citizens movements in the United States and elsewhere. They reject the authority of the modern German state and promote the notion of “natural rights,” often mixing this ideology with far-right politics and esoteric conspiracy theories.

The Interior Ministry said around 400 police officers had seized firearms, propaganda material and small amounts of drugs during the raids on the homes of 21 leading members of the group.

“We are dealing with a group that distributes racist and anti-Semitic writings and in doing so systematically poisons our free society,” Seehofer said in a statement.

In January they also banned Combat 18:

 GERMANY is banning the neo-Nazi group Combat 18 Deutschland in what the country’s top security official said Thursday was a “clear message” against far-right extremism and anti-Semitism.

More than 200 police officers carried out raids in six German states early Thursday, seizing cellphones, computers, unspecified weaponry, Nazi memorabilia and propaganda material, the Interior Ministry said.

The totalitarian marxist government of Germany is going on a ban-spree to stifle the growing Jew-wise nationalist movement in the country.

But these bans won’t work. The more pressure they put on genuine nationalists, the more angry and motivated nationalists will become. By silencing the speech and assembly rights of nationalists, they will cause a storm of righteous indignation in the face of state-sponsored oppression.

This feeble German government can’t hold for much longer, hence the desperate censorship tactics it is now using to stop a full-blown revolution. Merkel and her evil Europhobic party of liberal globalists are having serious image management problems. They’ve flooded their country with terrorist dindus from Syria, Turkey and other uncivilized countries, and as a result have experienced a massive increase in terror and street violence, rape and everything else.

Merkel routinely takes pictures with these goat-raping migrants, flaunting her decadent female sex whims to get raped by brute sand people. She has snapped numerous photos getting cozy with migrant men.

She even allows Turkish ISIS terror leader Recep Erdogan to check out her ass at official meetings.

Merkel is making deliberate public displays of affection and submission towards non-white apemen from the Middle East. She is doing this as a signal to German men that she has sexually submitted herself to a foreign conquering tribe. She is saying to them outright, “I am surrendering our country to a hostile foreign tribe because I am an old feminist slut that no German man wants to be with.”

She’s a 65-year-old childless hag who was reared in the murderous white-hating death cult of Marxism-Leninism.


In 1968, Merkel joined the Free German Youth (FDJ), the official communist youth movement sponsored by the ruling Marxist–Leninist Socialist Unity Party of Germany.[30][31][32] Membership was nominally voluntary, but those who did not join found it difficult to gain admission to higher education.[33] She did not participate in the secular coming of age ceremony Jugendweihe, however, which was common in East Germany. Instead, she was confirmed.[34] During this time, she participated in several compulsory courses on Marxism-Leninism with her grades only being regarded as “sufficient”.[35] Merkel later said that “Life in the GDR was sometimes almost comfortable in a certain way, because there were some things one simply couldn’t influence.”[36]

Marxism-Leninism teaches European women to destroy their race either through race-mixing or self-sterilization. Merkel is simply carrying out the long-term plans of the Marxist-Jews who educated and indoctrinated her into their death cult during her youth.

3 thoughts on “Germany’s Totalitarian Europhobic “Democracy” Banishes Patriotic Group, Raids Members’ Houses

  1. In many ways the DDR was more based than today’s Germany. Closed borders, No dindus, pro-Nataliaist policies, banned homo sex, etc.
    The same was true in the Soviet Union, at least after Stalin bagged all the kikes in the government in the 30’s and 40’s.

    Simply because commies, like Jews, promote extreme nationalism in their own countries but open borders/anal sex in the countries they’re looking to subvert.

    1. But that’s because culture, generally, was much more conservative back then. That was like 50 years ago, prior to the crazy SJW, feminist, and sex revolution deviancy that has been continually becoming more extreme every year.

      Commies and Soviets did get the ball rolling on feminism and “hate speech” laws, though. Praising them for having more conservative social values at a time when all of the world had those values seems misplaced. Communists were the leading edge of “progressivism” at the time, even if it wasn’t as extreme as we see today.

      Don’t forget, communists have always been racial, gender and economic egalitarians.

  2. Jews control our government and the governments of Europe. End of story. That’s all you need to know , they are weaponizing nonwhites against white people thru every means possible and their goals is to eliminate us through interbreeding and thru actual collapse of white societies – if you understand that you understand everything and eventually by our complicity will permit them to do just that.

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