LGBTism: Social Abominations to Extinguish Earth & Life

By Philippe Armstrong

The Supreme Court in the USA continues to kowtow to every group that has a favorite perversion. It has not reached the Trudeau levels yet, but how long will that last? Soon, the USA will have a protected class of criminals continuing to act out their fantasies in public. Sexual deviants have already gained access to private spaces and attacked, but the media covers it up of course. They also cover the vile public displays of sadomasochism and other sex acts  in front of children at LGBT Pride Marches. It has been the social liberals goal to corrupt the innocence of youth for decades. It started with Kinsey. 

For the LGBT movement, they do not discuss statistics or facts. LGBT love Trudeau in Canada as he throttles anyone who is Anglophone. If you are not in total lock step with him you are banished. A single scapegoat is offered in Trudeau’s Canada-Anglophone Canadians. Men walking around with their privates showing in front of children, kids traumatized by adults in drag, children being targeted for transgender treatments-all progressive under Trudeau. Trudeau’s government has extended its power into the family home. Transgenderism is a social abomination but the government is in full throttle backing it. Trans pushers believe they have the right to influence what goes on within a family they have never met and do not know. 

Twitter is on board with the trans ideology and many charities. Amnesty International has also joined. Biological males cannot become female no matter how many times they say so. It is impossible to change one’s sex. It is fine to be male,  it is fine to be female. You are never born in the wrong body. Trans activism threatens everyone. If woman means nothing, then why are people insisting they are one? 

The trans activists are narcissistic. Their personality is so removed from reality that they insist on stepping on everyone else. The safety and dignity of others is hurled aside. People will lose patience with fantasy, threats and lies. Trans activists try to prevent people from using common sense. Trans women are women is going to be no longer a slogan, but legally enforceable.

It is now offensive to say expectant mothers or breastfeeding is natural. Anyone who disagrees with the trans ideology is called a hater or fascist. They say children can change sex and anyone with a different opinion hates them and deserves to be severely punished, ostracised from society. It is deranged hatred from the progressives. Parents are now at the mercy of every agenda-driven school counselor,  sympathetic psychologist,  and activist judges. 

For LGBT, it is no longer equality or equal status or right to marry. That was the first step. They were waiting to devolve into a fanatical communist sect and to wield the gun of government to compel the cultural adulation, praise and glorification of every aspect of their lives. 

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