Sisterhood: Six Harlots in Utah Senate Walk Out in Protest of Abortion Ultrasound Bill

White women are passionately in love with the idea of getting a Frankenstein doctor to murder their babies and will stop at nothing to block any hurdle that would get in the way of killing their babies.


All six women in the Utah Senate walked out in protest and refused to vote before the chamber passed a bill mandating that a woman be shown an ultrasound before receiving an abortion. Republican Sen. Deidre Henderson said the walkout late Tuesday was a spontaneous decision to underscore concerns about the “invasive nature” of the bill.

The six women lawmakers – two Republicans and four Democrats – would not have changed the outcome. Five Republican men voted against the measure that passed 16-7.

Henderson said she opposes abortion but the mandatory ultrasound proposal went too far. It would require showing a pregnant woman images and making the fetal heartbeat audible, if possible.

Women now get an ultrasound before abortions, but providers aren’t required to show them the results. Under the bill, doctors could be fined $100,000 or more if they perform the procedure without showing an ultrasound.

“It was sisterhood coming together, so that’s what it is,” Democratic Sen. Luz Escamilla told CBS affiliate KUTV. “We felt really concerned about how invasive that is.”

Republican Sen. Curtis Bramble, who is sponsoring the bill in the Senate, said a woman could look away from the images or not listen to the heartbeat.

“If you are going to take the life of a child, if you are willing to terminate that life through an abortion, it seems appropriate that you get the best information about the development, the stage of development, heart beat – we are talking about a human being,” Bramble told the Deseret News.

As you can see, the “sisterhood” is a satanic cult that sacrifices babies to their demon god Moloch.

White women have been trained by Jewish marxist professors to favour anything that diminishes their fertility. They love contraception and abortion because this means they can have hedonistic sex with as many dark-skinned ape men as possible and forego their duty to bear children for the white race.

Instead of having children and a family, these women can pursue a soul-crushing career selling Jewish consumer products to retards; or a career as a defense lawyer trying to get black street criminals light sentences; or a career as a politician promoting man-hating castration legislation in congress; or a career as a cam whore on a Jewish porn website.

This Jewish system and economy is so empowering, so uplifting for the female.

Women absolutely love it and will give life and limb to sustain it until we all die of coronavirus.

2 thoughts on “Sisterhood: Six Harlots in Utah Senate Walk Out in Protest of Abortion Ultrasound Bill

  1. Is your anti-abortion stance based on your Catholicism?
    I’m glad many secular right wingers are not against abortion. The women who get abortions tend to be irresponsible, low IQ, mestizo or black, and white trash. If you are against increasing the number of welfare recipients, idiots, and criminals in the world, then you can’t justify opposing abortion.

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