LGBTQ: a Satanic Attack on White Society

By Philippe Armstrong

The LGBT  ideology is that trans or gay kids can be identified early and they will inevitably be gay or trans in adulthood.  All support and help must be to affirm this. However, the notion of immutable and unchangeable sexual conduct or tastes has sunk time and time again in many studies. The entire premise behind anti-discrimination laws, safe schools and compelled speech laws in Canada is because it is viewed that homosexuality is innate. But leftist non-logic comes into play again. If something biologically based as sex and gender can change fluidity, it is absurd to suggest something like emotions and attractions cannot change. If homosexuality is not innate, on what basis are these raft of anti-discrimination laws and LGBT as a protected class justified? The simple answer is none whatsoever. 

LGBT activists focus on the outside meaning all their problems lie outside the person. The raft of anti-discrimination laws, compelled speech,  more and more programs and institutional backing will, they attest solve everything. This has been debunked time and time again. A hostile society is always spoken about by the LGBT activists. However, the most socially liberal nations on earth have not alleviated any problems and activists still rev up their campaigns even in the Netherlands,  Sweden, Belgium or gay liberal cities such as San Francisco or London.  

The question must be asked-why do LGBT activists despise people who say they were once ex-LGBT? They want people to identify as whatever they want or change biological sex, but if someone says they are ex-LGBT the activists lash out. We know the sexual revolution takes no prisoners. Many ex LGBT people exist. But the activists despise them and they receive threats and harassment. They are called frauds. As do de-transitioners who speak up. They are considered an embarrassment. So ex LGBT who no longer want to engage in it are vilified, harassed and silenced. Anyone who swims away from the mainstream will be vilified. 

The fact is, homosexuals are not born like it but it is the entire premise behind special laws and programs. It is the entire premise behind governments telling businesses whom they employ and parents not having a say on what their kids are taught. It is the entire premise behind the state userping parental rights. Homosexuality does not need any special laws or protections. Vague definitions of subjective harm are no way to run a legal system. You cannot measure people’s feelings and laws based on emotions and feelings are flawed. 

The Freedom March and Straight Pride March are attacked by activist groups, in particular the Southern Poverty Law Centre. The Global Rainbow Crossovers is also another target for a activists. It is called hate speech or bigotry. The left logic failure comes in again. Why should we believe anything the left say? Fake hate crimes, subjective feelings becoming law, compelled speech and saying there is no separate distinct categories of man and women. Yet they shout we are women hear me roar. A baby in utero with separate DNA, own arms, legs, a brain and organs still does not get to be called a baby but if a man suddenly says I am a women everyone must agree to that and laws must be applied. 

The left ignore the overwhelming evidence that homosexuality is physically and mentally devastating but they promote it. Children are taught how wonderful it is. Homosexuals have a 100 times greater chance of being murdered in the United States-by other homosexuals. Half of the murders in New York City are gay on gay murders. Homosexuals are infected with a huge variety of deadly and crippling diseases. They have silenced the medical fraternity. LGBT labour relentlessly to squash every debate, any facts or any negative stories from getting heard. 

Kids are given every anti-bullying program ever devised. Some kids are encouraged to come out. They are expected to get affirmation, praise and encouragement. Schools however cannot fulfill a role of eradicating bullying. Kids disagree and argue. What the LGBT lobby want is children programmed to think the way they do. So children who come out are disappointed that not all children will celebrate or accept it. They have been programmed by activists to have everyone else affirm their lives. Safe Schools is basically wanting every other view erased and wanting children to carry their water. When other children do not accept or praise them like the purveyors of the program tell them they will, they are disappointed.  Children are humans, not computers who can be programmed to think and act like the LGBT diversity activists tell them. Activists are scared of such freedom.  The freedom to disagree and unacceptance scares them. 

Let us look at the influential gay activist, Dan Savage who started the It Gets Better Project. . He was endorsed by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. But what we actually see is a person no different to Joseph Goebbels’ hate- filled speeches against opponents  He employs vulgarity and bombast to shock and label opponents. Dan Savage says homosexual lives will improve despite every indicator even in the most liberal societies that they do not. Dan Savage employs victim status and society is to blame. The fact is that following Dan Savage’s advice, it will get worse. He says riding away into sexual freedom and the bliss is the way to go. Homosexuals think they are riding into sexual freedom, but they return with a plague which has destroyed so many of them. Dan Savage experiences major cognitive dissonance when challenged with facts and evidence. 

LGBT has its own science. It has its own journals, peer reviewers, plus the institutions and media backing. People warned that acceptance of homosexuality into the mainstream  decades ago would have big implications. Indeed it has. It has led to more debauchery by minorities who have been buoyed by the homosexual activists. The levels of perversion is rapidly proceeding. There are now 100 plus genders, drag queens are reading to children, transgender activists are invading private spaces and there is growing activism to attempt to normalize peadophile, beastiality and incest.

You think I am being over dramatic? They are using the same tactics and methods the homosexuals used in the 1970s to influence the psychiatric establishment. If you change the language and employ victim status as the homosexuals did, you are close to it being normalized. Homosexuality being removed from DSM was purely a political move. No new evidence was presented. The decades since  of pandemic diseases, drug abuse, mental health and alcohol abuse shows us it should not have been. Pedophilia and other sexual tastes will be seen to be enlightened progress and any stigma is  part of an old era of religious bigotry or an old religious relic. 

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