Putin Received ‘Friends of Zion’ Award in Jerusalem

But… but this is just 4-D chess, stupid goyim.

Jerusalem Post:

The award, commissioned by Israel’s ninth president Shimon Peres, will be presented to Putin on behalf of the Russian republic, which saved scores of Jewish people during World War II.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will be honored with the Friends of Zion Award this week while visiting Jerusalem for the World Holocaust Forum, which falls on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, the Friends of Zion Heritage Center announced on Wednesday.The award, commissioned by Israel’s ninth president Shimon Peres, will be presented to Putin on behalf of the Russian republic, which saved scores of Jewish people during World War II.

Nine world leaders have received the award so far, including former president George W. Bush, and US President Donald Trump – who received the award in 2017, accompanied by Vice President Mike Pence, and senior advisors Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.“Friends of Zion Heritage Center will be building a special exhibition honoring Russia for saving a multitude of Jews during World War II,” said Mike Evans, New York Times bestselling author, journalist, commentator and founder of Friends of Zion. “FOZ is also building an exhibition in honor of President Trump for all he has done to support the State of Israel and combat antisemitism.”

Putin is just playing along with the Jews as a clever chess move to ultimately oust them from global power and install a neo-Bolshevik-Islamist Global Government based in Moscow.

Putin pretends he loves, Jews but actually despises them. He pretends he loves moslems, but despises them. He pretends he loves Stalin, but despises him.

Proof of all this is that some neo-Bolshevik Aztec revolutionary called Eric Striker said so.

That’s all that’s needed to confirm any kooky theory about Putin… just trust whatever the Paraguayan socialist revolutionary Striker says.

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