Nazbols’ Latest Grift: Defending the Public Image of Communist China

The Nazbols’ latest imperative amidst a global pandemic of the Chinese Virus, also known as the Kung-Flu, is to defend the public image of China.

These Twitter Nazbols are hyperventilating about Donald Trump’s based attacks on the Chinks for unleashing this deadly disease on the world due to either their filthy eating habits or their experimentation with hybrid viruses in labs that accidentally escaped in Wuhan.

Chinese military intelligence officer Richard Spencer was leading the Nazbol Tweet storm for Beijing.

Officer Spencer even retweeted Beijing’s state propaganda calling Donald Trump a racist.


The Nazbols have almost seamlessly merged with the actual Modern Left. They’re now anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-war, environmentalist egalitarians seeking to surrender America and the West to Chinese communism and Iranian Islamism.

Because we all know that anti-racist Democratic Socialists are the true threat to the establishment.

That’s why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Bernie Sanders are taking over the Democratic Party…. because they are principled rebels against the Jewish system with their talk of open borders, unlimited free gibs for minorities and criminalization of white nationalist speech.

One thought on “Nazbols’ Latest Grift: Defending the Public Image of Communist China

  1. I remember China was doing something similar when the 2003 SARS outbreak happened as well. Going around using their agents to blame everyone else. If this virus came from a “USA-NATO friend country then these people would attack it. Look back at the 2009 H1N1 outbreak and these same people would blame Mexico , Texas for the virus. Some reason when it’s their fave countries they cannot hear criticism.

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