Pew Research: Gen Z Are Mostly Weird Emo Fags Who Support Anal Sex & Racial Diversity

The younger the demographic, the more likely they are to support Satan’s various agendas to destroy planet earth.


No longer the new kids on the block, Millennials have moved firmly into their 20s and 30s, and a new generation is coming into focus. Generation Z – diverse and on track to be the most well-educated generation yet – is moving toward adulthood with a liberal set of attitudes and an openness to emerging social trends.

On a range of issues, from Donald Trump’s presidency to the role of government to racial equality and climate change, the views of Gen Z – those ages 13 to 21 in 2018 – mirror those of Millennials.1 In each of these realms, the two younger generations hold views that differ significantly from those of their older counterparts. In most cases, members of the Silent Generation are at the opposite end, and Baby Boomers and Gen Xers fall in between.2

Only about three-in-ten Gen Zers and Millennials (30% and 29%, respectively) approve of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president. This compares with 38% of Gen Xers, 43% of Boomers and 54% of Silents. Similarly, while majorities in Gen Z and the Millennial generation say government should do more to solve problems, rather than that government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals, Gen Xers and Boomers are more evenly divided on this issue. For their part, most Silents would like to see a less activist government.

When it comes to views on race, the two younger generations are more likely than older generations to say that blacks are treated less fairly than whites in the United States today. And they are much more likely than their elders to approve of NFL players kneeling during the national anthem as a sign of protest.

The younger generations are also more accepting of some of the ways in which American society is changing. Majorities among Gen Z and the Millennial generation say increasing racial and ethnic diversity in the U.S. is a good thing for society, while older generations are less convinced of this. And they’re more likely to have a positive view of interracial and same-sex marriage than their older counterparts.

As a recent Pew Research Center report highlighted, Gen Z is the most racially and ethnically diverse generation we have seen, but this isn’t all that’s driving the attitudes of this generation when it comes to issues surrounding race and diversity. There are significant, if more modest, generational differences on these issues even among non-Hispanic whites.

While Generation Z’s views resemble those of Millennials in many areas, Gen Zers are distinct from Millennials and older generations in at least two ways, both of which reflect the cultural context in which they are coming of age. Gen Zers are more likely than Millennials to say they know someone who prefers that others use gender-neutral pronouns to refer to them: 35% say this is the case, compared with a quarter of Millennials. Among each older generation, the share saying this drops: 16% of Gen Xers, 12% of Boomers and just 7% of Silents say this.

So the majority of Gen Zers believe:

  • Orange Man Bad
  • Blacks are victims
  • Trannies are bad ass

Yeah, this new generation is completely fucked.

This whole GenZ libtard mindset is owed to the schooling system and the media, both of which are firmly in the hands of marxists, sexual deviants and Jews.

These GenZ teenagers and young adults simply parrot what their marxist professors say, and what the various lesbian and trans characters say on their favorite Netflix shows.

These are braindead comatose zombies, folks.

There is little chance of saving them, especially the women.

Some of the men can be saved because men are smarter and can be convinced by logic to abandon false beliefs.

21 thoughts on “Pew Research: Gen Z Are Mostly Weird Emo Fags Who Support Anal Sex & Racial Diversity

    1. This claim by the cuckservatives was always stupid because they can’t differentiate between conservative and right wing. Gen-Z is right like Facist Italy and not conservative like 1950s American Marketing.

      1. I see among gen z a strong split taking place sure most are fucking morans like every other generation but the ones who aren’t are more radical and hard right than anything I’ve seen before they may not be the perfect nazi superman that some imagine generation SS to have been. But there is something definitely happening with them . Have some faith in our youth.

  1. Well, Gen Z hasn’t got someone like me. Millennials on the other hand have someone like me by their side, and given that I am the second smartest person in human history, after Tesla that is, I alone increase the average Millennial IQ significantly.

  2. The simple sentence ” Generation Z – diverse and on track to be the most well-educated generation yet ” shows that this study is irrelevant bullshit. They go for diverse, meaning non-white, and educated, meaning brainfucked by the bolschewist school and education system. What these people say is meaningless to us, what is interessting for us is how white gen-z thinks. Nobody gives a fuck about some mulatto mystery meat who had a neurotic mother ofcourse he will be a faggot cause either tribe of his origin sees him as an outsider.

    This study is nothing but black enemy propaganda and Brandon fails to see that despite it being right infront of him. The voting polls across europe have shown that mostly young natives vote for the right wing populist parties while the mainstream political parties live almost entirely off their substance of old people who don’t want any change to the system and are all conservative no matter if on the right or the left.

    Also something that the Trump election campagin should have demonstrated is that people lie in polls because a diverse society does not trust one another and political parties are tribal alliances in a race war, meaning you don’t share your politics with strangers cause they are the enemy. Thats the thing to do when you are halfways smart just as people learn in school to lie and to tell the teacher what he wants to hear no matter if its true or not or whatever.

    I have a lot more hope for the Z generation much more than in my own. We can mock the old and their ideas about a world that does not exist anymore since decades but when someone tries paint the picture about the young in bleak colors you should be more aware of that person because it tries to undermine generational cohersion. We will return to a organic culture once more people become parents at a younger age and pollsters hang from poles.

  3. That study’s useless because it doesn’t divide by race. Gens Y and Z have more nonwhite members, so they’re obviously going to skew more left wing as a whole. If you look at just white millennials and zoomers, you’ll see that they lean right and the right wingers are more outspoken on racial differences and the impact of mass immigration. White sjws who cluster in cities are in the minority. Even liberal Huffpo has to admit this fact:
    Brandon keeps throwing a tantrum about how white millennials and zoomers are nonetheless strongly for same sex marriage and abortion, but so what? Better for white millennials and zoomers to be white majoritarian and sexually libertarian than have Islamic style morals but not care about race or immigration.

    1. Being a white millennial myself, and therefore having grown up around white millennials for the most part, I know that white millennials are far more likely than previous generations to be SJWs, they are also far more in favor of voicing support for censorship of any opinion right of the far-left opinions on the left-right scale, far more likely to believe that if you don’t have 100% far-left opinions you should be fired from your workplace, etc. When Antifa show up for instance, who do you think makes up Antifa? At least 90% of the Antifa freaks who protest anything right of Antifa mentality are white millennials.

      1. You’ve fallen for the media portrayal. Ever hear of the silent majority? Fact of the matter is there are more non-leftist white millennials and zoomers and this will only intensify as Western nations diversify. That’s why the left wants to import more malleable Third Worlders.

          1. If it were the truth, more under age 40 whites would’ve voted for Hillary in ’16 and for the Dems every election cycle, but they don’t. You go by what the media put out and I go by the numbers.

            1. Well, I am not from the US, but after just checking Wikipedia on the 2016 US presidential election, there was a lower percentage of people who voted Trump in the 18-29 y/o than in older age groups among white voters. That same year, 2016, in UK, most British millennials voted “Remain” and not only that, but the day after the elections, they were bitching about how boomers stole their future, by voting “Leave”.

              1. You probably live in a city and get your information from mainstream media, which is why you think white millennials and zoomers are rabid commies. Even the left is uneasy that young Whites are leaning more and more right, especially as Western countries diversify. Familiarity breeds contempt.
                More white young voters voted for Trump than Clinton.
                White millennials and zoomers view Le Pen’s party and other populist parties as mainstream parties and the growth of these parties is driven by the young.
                The future looks bright for nationalism in the West, but if you and the other alt-righters here are hoping for national socialism, you’re delusional. The success of these parties is because they’re espousing “Jew friendly”/non-genocidal nationalism and it paid off in Brazil with Bolsonaro’s victory. Look at the successful “Jew friendly” dictatorships of Franco and Pinochet while Hitler ended up bringing himself and Germany down. Mussolini’s “Jew friendly” fascism would’ve lasted longer had he not allied with Hitler.

                1. You are stupid. You’re effectively telling people to capitulate to the one group that is at the heart of destroying the West, and that doing this will somehow save the West. All of the people you mentioned haven’t been able to do anything substantial to save the West from the Dindu Horde. All they’ve done is stall it slightly… and then in the next election cycle the Jews will run and open borders candidate and have him win.

                  Bolsonaro is ruling over a heavily mixed dindu population. That country is complete toast, it’s lost. All he’s doing is trying to hold together an unworkable multi-racial democracy, and bind it all together with “Christian values”. It is stupid and it won’t work. Race trumps religion. Civic nationalism will ultimately fail and we will be in civil war before these cucks finish wiping their asses.

                  1. Since when are you Aggsa? My comment must’ve really steamed you for you to butt in huh? lol

                    As Jared Taylor has said, regardless of where you stand on the JQ, whites are ultimately the ones choosing demographic suicide.

                    You’re putting down people who’ve enlarged and normalized their parties and have actually won seats and victories, but where has your lame “let’s accelerate and wait for Hitler 2.0” worked?
                    Has it worked in Brazil?
                    Did it work in Depression era USA, UK, Canada, or France?

                    What did George Lincoln Rockwell achieve besides being estranged from his successful Hollywood industry dad and dying a loser’s death by being shot down by a disgruntled member?

                    While these parties and leaders are living in reality and moving on, you’re living a fantasy and hoping for something that’ll never happen.
                    Franco and Pinochet ran successful dictatorships that created economic successes without practicing genocide or starting wars. Hitler ended up chewing a poison pill and blowing his brains out while cowering in a bunker. Enough said.

                    You put down Jared or Nick Fuentes, but look at what they’ve achieved and look at where you are. You look like an even bigger jealous idiot by criticizing like minds while not proposing a clear solution on how to compete with our globalist adversaries.

                    1. Again, Brazil is a write-off. The only salvation for whites there is breaking off into their own ethnostate. Trying to govern over a country that is over 50% non-white and mixed with “Muh Christian Values” is dumb. They’ve already been subsumed into the globalist shitsandwich.

                      You’re telling people to be content with Jew-loving civic nationalists and never strive for anything better. The reason you’re doing that is because you’re a part-Jew who desperately wants to avoid a real leader coming to power and delivering a fatal blow to International Jewry. You have a dog in the fight to support pro-Jew candidates by pushing black pills about how only Jew-lovers can achieve power because the Jews allow them to.

                    2. Moorish/Mongolian Martinez mutt munchkin and his buffoonish catboys think anyone who doesn’t agree with them on everything is a civic nationalist. They don’t even know our spokesman Nick Fuentes and his predecessor Pat Buchanan are paleocons. That’s why they’re relegated to bitching on a safe space blog, but I’ll give Martinez some credit for approving some comments that hurt his wee feelings. He’s still a faggot though.

  4. It’s all part of the plan, they make each generation more “radical” so they can take power and install their favorite regime of all, international communism. I was born in 1989 , and I can see that the younger millennials and gen z are the ones who are all for this. You do have some voices from that age group , that being said it’s only if they have experienced negative stuff with say diversity, sexual freaks, etc.

    It’s hard to have any generation be on the right more because the left has been very dominant in the media and how they mold people by the pleasure principle.

  5. It’s important to see the *racial* breakdown for these opinions. Gen Z might be the most liberal/left simply because it’s the most non-white. Whites, of all ages, are FAR more conservative than the POCs of the same age.

    1. Depends how you are looking at it. Non-whites youngsters are generally conservative, but they vote left-wing because it promises them the gibs and shit, even if they don’t agree with progressivism themselves. You have many examples of for instance Muslim millennials who even want Sharia law, like Linda Sarsour, but she won’t vote right-wing because the right-wing of America does not align with her own Islamic “right-wing-ism”. People like her will even go around to scold whites about gay rights and shit like that, in the sense that whites allegedly don’t do enough to “safeguard” gay-rights, while in reality she herself doesn’t believe in gay rights and would have gay people thrown off buildings.

  6. You certainly got to make an attempt understand how much planning has gone into the undermining of white America and of America itself. This entire undermining is the product of about 50 years worth is careful and thorough planning on the part of liberal powers and placement of people and money in 2 positions of influence both within the government and without the government.
    Because of this thoroughness in being able to undermine and sabotage the social cohesiveness of the white American Society and the ability 2 create a feeling of guilt in white America that is the recipe for success in what has been achieved so far within our country. Once you have understood that you will have a complete understanding as to why the country is disintegrating and ripe for revolution.

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