RIP Greece. Egalitarian Kook Woman Appointed President, Promises to Open Borders & Install Matriarchy

RIP Greece.

You’ve appointed a woman… and now your country will die a slow and painful death.


Greece’s first woman president began her term on Friday with a pledge to protect the country’s borders and defend human rights, whilst warning Greeks to follow health rules as the country grapples with over 100 coronavirus cases.

Katerina Sakellaropoulou, a 63-year-old former senior judge, said she would “walk together” with Greeks to create a “prosperous” and “cosmopolitan” future “that includes all of us.”

“Cosmopolitan” is a codeword for: a country filled to the brim with dindus, dotheads, towel heads and sub-saharans.

Using the word “prosperous” before “cosmopolitan” is some kind of Jedi Mind Trick. The two words cancel each other out, but never expect a woman to comprehend such a thing.

The new head of the Greek state begins her five-year term in a terse standoff with neighbouring Turkey, which has allowed tens of thousands of refugees to mass at the border.

Sakellaropoulou said Greeks had to “repulse the aggression of those who make designs on our national sovereignty by making use of human pain.”

The new president also insisted that Greece had a “humanitarian duty” to defend “defenceless and desperate people.”

The duality of female thinking is an enigma. They say opposite things at the same time, and act like all of it makes sense. How can you simultaneously defend your border AND let in the hordes?

Only a primitive kook-brained woman can rationalize these two things and go on believing that she is smart and astute.

Sakellaropoulou said she hoped her election to the five-year post “would improve the status of all (Greek) women in family and society.

“It is time for the women of this country to realise that they can fulfil their dreams based on their merit, without facing obstacles just because they were born female,” she said.

And there it is, more special privileges for women are on the way, Greek gentlemen.

Brace yourselves for pervasive gender violence laws that give women permission to attack their husbands and then lie and say they were attacked.

Greece has officially killed itself by electing a woman to high-office. European women have only one goal in mind: subsuming the Old Continent with mud, dirt and ash… burning it all down until all European genetics are extinct from the planet.

Thanks Jews. Thanks women.

12 thoughts on “RIP Greece. Egalitarian Kook Woman Appointed President, Promises to Open Borders & Install Matriarchy

  1. Its almost like women shouldnt be in politics and should stay home. Hopefully the turks and the migrants teach the pussy whipped greeks a lesson in maintaining order and keeping their bitches in line.

    1. You think Cenk Uygur or Ben Shapiro would make a better President than Ann Coulter or Judge Jeanine Pirro because they’re men? Was Tony Blair a better Prime Minister than Margaret Thatcher? You’re nuts.
      If one must choose, better to have a nationalist inclined female leader than a liberal or globalist male.
      Keep America Great 2020
      The ghosts of Nixon and Goldwater for 2024

      1. Uygur is a dirty Turk, so obviously he’s left-wing so he can invite a rape horde of Turks into the country. Shapiro is a nasty Jew, so we know where he stands.

        Ann Coulter herself says that women shouldn’t be in politics and shouldn’t have the right to vote.

        Judge Jeanine Pirro is a non-white lebanese cuckservative who puts Israel First.

        You are engaged in a desperate search for the token right-wing female to justify your softness on this question. There’s always a token right-wing female. You can find a token right-wing niggers, fags and trannies, too. But the vast majority of those groups side with our enemies because its in their interests to do so.

        No different with women. We must shame them into compliance with our aims.

        1. Funny how you avoided my comment about Thatcher vs Blair because you’d have to admit Thatcher’s popularity and influence lol.
          I think you say things for comedic effect and don’t mean half the things you say. Some of the readers here may notice this, but others may not notice you troll sometimes like Richard Spencer or Nick Fuentes. They don’t realize that if you really believe these things, you couldn’t function on a daily basis in the real world, especially when you interact with your sister, mom, aunt, grandma (assuming you keep in touch with your family), or female friends/colleagues. Even fundamentalist Moslems love and respect their mothers and grandmothers and theocratic Iran permits females to study and work outside the home lol
          Golden Dawn blew their chance just like the BNP did. Optics matter. That’s why someone like you is invited to interviews and people read your articles. If you had face and neck tattoos and tattoos all over, would people see you the same way?

          1. Funny how you avoided my comment about Thatcher vs Blair because you’d have to admit Thatcher’s popularity and influence lol.

            You are honestly impressed with Thatcher? She was the female Ronald Reagan, the guy who granted amnesty to millions of illegal wetbacks. She was basically a libertarian who wanted to give tax cuts to rich people, and little more.

            Next you will tell me that Elizabeth May was based, right? She expedited the rapehorde invasion of England.

            Why are you so impressed by weak cuckservatives? Probably because you’re part-Jew and love how they all bow to Israel while doing fuck all for white people.

            1. You say “You are honestly impressed with Thatcher? She was the female Ronald Reagan, the guy who granted amnesty to millions of illegal wetbacks. She was basically a libertarian who wanted to give tax cuts to rich people, and little more.”

              Look at the UK before (“sick man of Europe”) and after her years (London joining NYC as one of the financial capitals in the world). She and Reagan cut taxes for everyone, though I agree too much for the top, but unlike him she didn’t give amnesty. Crime also went down after their reigns.

              You say “Why are you so impressed by weak cuckservatives? Probably because you’re part-Jew and love how they all bow to Israel while doing fuck all for white people.”

              Who isn’t a weak cuckservative in your eyes? George Wallace? George Lincoln Rockwell? Oswald Mosley?
              A Wallace Presidency would’ve probably prevented a lot of the crap today, but I doubt anyone you like would’ve been viable candidates. You infantilely demand purism even if it means getting nothing, but compromise is a part of politics.

              I’m not impressed by them, but I do think they were better than the alternative. Oh and Thatcher made negative comments about Mexicans and South Asians in private, so she obviously sympathized with ethnonationalism. In fact, she abolished birthright citizenship with the 1981 British Nationality Act and there was no net immigration during most of her administration.

              I’m not Israeli, so I’m indifferent towards Israel btw.

  2. You sometimes leave out the complete story. From the Guardian Jan. 16, 2020:
    “Greece is poised to get its first female president after the country’s centre-right leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis took the unprecedented step of proposing a progressive female judge to assume the role of head of state. In a move loaded with symbolism for a nation more used to the divisiveness of bipartisan politics, the prime minister nominated 62-year-old Katerina Sakellaropoulou.”
    Greece’s main conservative party with Prime Minister Mitsotakis is still in control and he appointed Katerina as a bipartisan move. A conservative man chose her for the mostly ceremonial position–not the Greek voters including Greek Jews. You’re blaming the wrong people again, but it’s easier for others to be scapegoated than your own, right?

    1. Greeks routinely vote for left-wing governments who completely destroyed their country with immigration and migrants. They even voted the Marxist Syriza party into power a few years ago. Conservatives and liberals in Greece are two sides of the same globalist shit sandwich. The only legitimate right-wing nationalist party there was the Golden Dawn, but they seem to have disappeared.

  3. You don’t want women to live off men or go on welfare, but you don’t want us working to support ourselves either? You can’t have it both ways, dumbasses.
    You nothings put down guys like Ben Shapiro or Nick Fuentes, but at least Ben has a loving wife and Nick is trying to stay loyal to his faith by waiting for the right girl.

    No wonder you losers are virgins, incels or paying for sex. I wouldn’t give you rats the time of day no matter how good you think you look.
    Mr. (and I use the term loosely) Martinez constantly brags about how above average he is in the looks department and if he’s the best you in the alt-right can do, then I can see why you’ll all die alone.

    1. You don’t want women to live off men or go on welfare, but you don’t want us working to support ourselves either? You can’t have it both ways, dumbasses.

      Where did you hear me say that? If a woman is committed to raising a family, then I don’t have a problem with her not working and the man pulling in the bacon, provided she has the correct morals. The problem here is that most white women are all chasing careers and have completely destroyed the traditional family model with their kooky feminism, so now there’s no turning back. Now men are being used by women to elevate their lifestyles and they provide nothing in return, no family, no children (maybe one), just narcissistic cash-grabbing.

      You nothings put down guys like Ben Shapiro or Nick Fuentes, but at least Ben has a loving wife and Nick is trying to stay loyal to his faith by waiting for the right girl.

      Shapiro is a rancid Jew. Many rancid Jews have “loving wives” who love the Jew money. Who cares? Fuentes says very similar things about women as I do, so I don’t see why you’re supporting him yet complaining about me.

      No wonder you losers are virgins, incels or paying for sex. I wouldn’t give you rats the time of day no matter how good you think you look.

      Lol, real original insults there. Cunty women love shaming men over their access to sex, knowing that it’s as easy as pie for a stupid slut like yourself to get sex, just by logging into Tinder and answering one of the 500 messages waiting for you. Whereas the man has to go around chasing poon dancing like a circus monkey to “woo” a dumb harlot and convince her to spread the legs.

      Paying a prostitute for sex is no different than taking a whore like you out on a pricey date and then having sex afterwards. The only difference is that the prostitute is more honest about what she’s doing, whereas you’re concealing the fact that you’re having sex with a man because he wined and dined you. Without the pampering and pruning, you wouldn’t have sex with that man, because you’re a prostitute who has sex in exchange for the financial favors of men.

    2. Ha ha good to have you on our team, Nicole!

      I think you really hurt the spic’s feelings and he was trying to drown it out by punching the wall, chugging down a bottle of vodka and crying in front of the mirror before returning to rant and rave at you.

      These morons would rather have girls get married right after high school and even go on welfare instead of getting educated and helping their families and male partners by getting jobs and contributing to society by paying taxes.
      How sensible is that?

  4. They have no brains, education, money, personality or charisma so they get pumped on steroids at the gym and end up thinking they’re the shit and then try to impress people with their roid physiques. When that fails, they get all butt hurt and denounce girls or anyone outside their alt-right circle jerk and wonder why nobody gives them the respect they think they deserve. They have nothing valuable to offer society, but they want to be treated like Harvard educated male superstars.

    Ben has a physician wife and our spokesman Nick is a devout Roman Catholic who is staying a virgin until marriage. Moronic Martinez is jealous of them because he could never get a doctor as a wife and he didn’t have the willpower to abstain, so he was used by gold digging hoes he met online who dumped his sorry ass after they found better fucks and partners lmao

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