Trump to Step Up Pressure on Chink Menace

Some strange people within our ranks have a homoerotic love affair with the Chinks on the sole basis that they’re a homogenous society.

If that’s their benchmark for praising a foreign dindu country, then why don’t they do the same with African countries, most of which are similarly homogenous and some of which forbid homosexuality?

They don’t do that because the praise for Chinks comes from a peculiar and equally homoerotic subservience to the interests of Russia. Since China is an ally of Russia and is confrontational with the West, they praise it.

There’s really nothing else to their logic.

Asia Times:

Trump administration officials have intensified discussions over whether to expel employees of Chinese media outlets suspected of being spies, in retaliation for China’s planned expulsion of American journalists from major outlets, The New York Times reported.

Since the virus began spreading across the United States, Washington and Beijing have waged a global information war over the outbreak, the report said. 

President Trump and his aides are trying to pin responsibility on China, where Communist Party officials initially covered up the dangers of the virus as it was first discovered. Trump, though, has been criticized for vast failures in the American response, the report said.

Some American intelligence officials have pushed for years to expel employees of Chinese media organizations who they say mainly file intelligence reports, the report said.

The officials now see an opening to make a strong case after Beijing abruptly announced this month that it would expel almost all American citizens who report from mainland China for The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal.

China also demanded those organizations, as well as Voice of America and Time magazine, turn over information on employees, budgets, assets and other operational details.

What’s also strange with the Chink lovers in our ranks is that they’re always whining about violations of freedom of speech in Western countries, which I agree with, but then they turn around and praise brutal censorship in Russia and China. And they do this on the basis that among the widespread crackdowns on anti-government dissent in those countries, a few of the persecuted dissenters happen to be leftist-anarchist types so it’s not as bad as in the West where only right-wing speech is suppressed. So when Putin puts white nationalists in jail, it’s ok because some anarchists also went to jail.

And so goes the slant-eyed zipperhead logic of these freaky Nazbol types. These are the same eccentric weirdos who praise Stalin on the basis that among the millions of Russians and Eastern Europeans who he killed in gulags and purges, a handful of them were Jews so he’s a hero.

Trump is correct on his hatred of and confrontational stance towards China. It is a menacing country that is slowly colonizing parts of the West, both economically by buying up our real-estate, land and big companies, and also in terms of demographics by shipping millions of their excess population into our backyard. Demographically Chinks are taking over entire cities in Canada and America, and Chink billionaires have cornered entire real estate markets in big Western cities. And they do this totally to the detriment of white people.

So yes, Trump is doing good by attacking China, by labeling this virus the Chinese Virus and by generally promoting distrust of these hostile slant-eyed bastards. Animosity towards China and the Chinese will help solidify a sort of white racial consciousness.

Chinks certainly have no respect for us, our race and our sovereignty, so why should we service them with misplaced praise?

4 thoughts on “Trump to Step Up Pressure on Chink Menace

  1. “Some strange people within our ranks have a homoerotic love affair with the Chinks on the sole basis that they’re a homogenous society.
    If that’s their benchmark for praising a foreign dindu country, then why don’t they do the same with African countries, most of which are similarly homogenous and some of which forbid homosexuality?
    They don’t do that because the praise for Chinks comes from a peculiar and equally homoerotic subservience to the interests of Russia. Since China is an ally of Russia and is confrontational with the West, they praise it.”

    what the f*** !! What in the hell are you talking about!! There isn’t anybody on this website who is saying that we love these slants.
    You must be deep in your meds did believe that we praise the Chinese in any fashion whatsoever and think that their lifestyles is something to be emulated. It’s good that they have a homogeneous society but that has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that they are a screwed up people and sick in the head with their self love of jews and their maladaptive practices of trying to screw people in negotiation. so I’d suggest that you revaluate how u view your audience

    1. Just wait till the Putin-friendly nazbols in Italy will invite the Chinese to invest in Italy cause Europe isn’t helping enough, selling out their country at depressed prices to Red China.

  2. Well, to be fair Chinks (and Japanese as well) are rather hardworking, passive and pretty much integrated in our society, so they don’t pose much of a problem, except when they brought pandemics of course. Chinese have the ambition not to colonize the West (even though they can vampirize some of our States’ assets — but that’s global capitalism for you) but rather Africa, which may bring a semblance of orders among the niggers.

  3. Angry Frenchy,
    it makes no diff (at least to me) whether their well mannered on not. Ultimately they’ll (and all nonwhites) fck your women and you’ll lose your culture and genetics

  4. My grandfather is nazbol, he is white nationalist but love communism, USSR, Putin and China.

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