Videos Emerge of Crazy Chinks Purposely Spreading the Coronavirus

I wonder if the Chinese Communist Party has given orders to these chinks to spread the virus among the non-Chinese goyim.

Red Elephants:

Dozens of videos have emerged of Chinese citizens intentionally spreading the Corona Virus by spitting on food, inside of elevators and wiping saliva on park benches. Some of the videos shown display Chinese citizens spitting directly on strangers.

We know that automaton chinks around the world act as sleeper agents for the Chinese government. All they need is one call from their local Chinese embassy in a Western country and these chinks will do whatever is asked of them.

These chinks are such hateful animals that they go around deliberately trying to spread a deadly virus to get others killed and destroy the world.

These videos prove that chinks are a dangerous security threat to Western countries and need to be mass deported back to shithole China immediately.

5 thoughts on “Videos Emerge of Crazy Chinks Purposely Spreading the Coronavirus

  1. I can’t stand gooks. I don’t know how all these white guys can marry gooks and smooch those pasty droopy slant eyed faces. Gross. They’re also just horrible annoying selfish people. They come into our countries and treat our people, our culture, our schools and institutions as commodities. The insane thing is we allow them to

    They all need to GTFO

    1. F@ckingJigaboos

      Reason it’s allowed 2 happened is because of the fact that we have allowed Jews to decide our social values and how we should allow others to come into our countries. This is the direct result of the psychological warfare that has been conducted against whites in white nations for now better than 50 years. I don’t need to tell you do that anybody who disagrees with the current status quo is going to be a pariah. This is done totally and purposefully done to disarm white guardedness against being overrun by these non white invaders. After all should you not permit yourself to marry a non white your a bad, bad person as they like to tell you.

    2. all chinese people are retarded and they smell very bad. I really hope Donald Trump puts all the chinese people in the USA in prison. all the countries that don’t have chinese people in power should have their leaders put the chinese people in prison. they are a threat to the good part of society. chinese people must not be free after all the problems they are causing in many parts of the world!

  2. That’s how they are in their own country. I have family that has been thru China (non tourist areas). One reason why it spread so fast.

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